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Explain AcceptChanges() method of DataSet in C#.

In C#, a DataSet is a data structure that represents an in-memory, disconnected database. It can contain one or more DataTables, which, in turn, can hold rows of data. The AcceptChanges() method is a crucial part of managing the changes made to the data within a DataSet. It's used to confirm and apply any changes (such as inserts, updates, or deletions) that have been made to the data, effectively marking them as the current state of the data. This method is particularly useful when working with data that is disconnected from the database, and you want to ensure that changes are properly reflected in the DataSet.

When you modify the data within a DataSet using methods like Add(), Remove(), or by modifying the values of rows, the changes are initially tracked and marked as "modified", "added", or "deleted". However, these changes are not immediately persisted to the underlying data source. Instead, they are held in memory until explicitly accepted or rejected.

The AcceptChanges() method performs the following actions:

It sets the RowState property of all modified rows to Unchanged. This indicates that the rows are no longer considered as modified and their original values are now considered the current values.

It removes the tracking of any newly inserted rows. The RowState of these rows is set to Unchanged, indicating that they are now part of the dataset with their current values.

It removes the tracking of any deleted rows. These rows are completely removed from the dataset.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of AcceptChanges() method:

using System;
using System.Data;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Create a new DataSet
        DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

        // Create a DataTable and add it to the DataSet
        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("Employees");
        dataTable.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
        dataTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));

        // Add a new row
        DataRow newRow = dataTable.NewRow();
        newRow["ID"] = 1;
        newRow["Name"] = "John";

        // Modify the row
        dataTable.Rows[0]["Name"] = "Updated John";

        // Display the row state before accepting changes
        Console.WriteLine("Row State before accepting changes: " + dataTable.Rows[0].RowState);

        // Accept the changes

        // Display the row state after accepting changes
        Console.WriteLine("Row State after accepting changes: " + dataTable.Rows[0].RowState);

In this example, we create a DataSet object and add a DataTable to it. We then add a new row to the DataTable and modify the value of a column in that row. Before calling AcceptChanges(), we display the RowState of the modified row, which is "Modified". After calling AcceptChanges(), we again display the RowState, which now shows "Unchanged" as the changes have been accepted and the row is no longer marked as modified.

The AcceptChanges() method is useful when you want to commit the changes made to the data in the DataSet and reset the tracking of those changes. It is commonly used when you want to persist the modified data to a database or when you want to remove the tracking of changes for further processing.