What is the ASP.NET page life cycle and why is it important?What are application page life cycle events?Which is the first event in the page lifecycle Events?Name of the event that is not fired during page cycle?What events are raised during the Init phase of the page life cycle?What is the purpose of the LoadViewState and LoadPostData methods in the page life cycle?Can you describe the order in which events are raised during the Load phase of the page life cycle?What is the difference between the PreRender and PreRenderComplete events in the page life cycle?How do you handle user input or data changes during the page life cycle?Can you explain the role of the SaveViewState and SavePostData methods in the page life cycle?How does the Unload phase of the page life cycle work, and what tasks should be performed during this phase?Can you describe any scenarios where you would need to override specific methods in the page life cycle to customize the behavior of an ASP.NET page?Can you describe any differences or considerations when working with master pages and user controls within the ASP.NET page life cycle?What is Master Page in Asp.net and how to use?What’s the use of "GLOBAL.ASAX" file?What are the major events in global.asax?What event handlers can I include in Global.asax?How can we apply themes in asp.net?Difference between ASP.Net Website and ASP.Net Web Application?Can an ASPX file contain more than one form marked with runat equal server in ASP.NET?What is the name of class from which web pages are inherited in ASP.NET?What is the difference between Codebehind="MyCode.aspx.cs" and Src="MyCode.aspx.cs" in ASP.NET?Can I use different programming languages in the same .NET application?Can the App_Code folder contain source code files in different programming languages?What is the name of the virtual page that you can request to view trace data when the trace data is not displayed on its corresponding Web page?Which of the following browser capabilities can you not check using Request.Browser?You catch an unhandled exception in a Page_Error handler. How can you access the last error?Is it possible to add APP_Code folder in web application project in Visual Studio?What is the difference between the Theme and StylesheetTheme?How you can determine whether client is connected to server or not?
What is the purpose of the web.config file in ASP.NET?Where is the web.config file located in an ASP.NET application?What are some common sections or elements found in the web.config file?What is the root tag of web.config file?What is custom tag in web.config file?Does Web.config file is case-sensitive?In which format web.config file is stored?Can one directory contains multiple web.config files?What is the purpose of machine.config file?If we remove a web.config file from the application, does this application will work?In an ASP.NET website, when the web.config file is getting called?What will happened if Someone types the URL of web.config file in the browser?For which purpose appsettings tag is used?Can you explain the significance of the and sections in the web.config file?How can you configure application-wide settings such as connection strings, app settings, and custom error pages in the web.config file?Can you describe the role of the section in the web.config file and its impact on ASP.NET application performance?How can you configure authentication and authorization settings in the web.config file?What are the different modes of session state management that can be configured in the web.config file?How can you configure custom HTTP modules and handlers in the web.config file?Can you explain how to set up URL rewriting or routing rules in the web.config file?What are some best practices for managing and securing the web.config file in an ASP.NET application?Which element is used to apply a theme to the current application within the web.config?Is it possible to read Web.config or Global.asax files from browser?Can you tell the location of root web.config file from which all web.config get inherit?What is the use of custom error tag in web.config file?Can you describe the funcitonality of httpHandlers tab in web.config file?
What is ViewState in ASP.NET and why is it used?How does ViewState work in ASP.NET web pages?Can you explain the purpose of the ViewState hidden field?What is the role of ViewState in maintaining the state of controls on a web page during postbacks?How can you enable or disable ViewState for individual controls in ASP.NET?What are the advantages of using ViewState in ASP.NET web pages?What are the potential drawbacks or considerations when working with ViewState?How can you optimize ViewState usage to minimize its impact on performance?Can you explain the impact of ViewState on the size of the rendered HTML page?How can you secure the contents of the ViewState from tampering or unauthorized access?How to check viewstate tampering?Can you describe any alternatives or strategies you have used to manage state without relying heavily on ViewState?What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState?Does ViewState is encrypted?What is ViewState Chunking?Does ViewState get lost if a user refreshes a Web page?What will happen with ViewState if the user copies the URL and open it in other browser?What Is The Difference Between ViewState and Session?Does ViewState is responsible for maintaining data across the Page PostBack for Postback and non-postback controls?Which method will you use to Delete the ViewState information for all the server and child control(s)?How many ViewState objects can be created on an aspx page?Can I make ViewState enabled for controls where Enableviewstate of the container page is set to false?
What are cookies in the context of ASP.NET web development?How are cookies used in ASP.NET web applications?Explain the process of setting a cookie in an ASP.NET web page?What are the main components of a cookie?Can you explain the different types of cookies in ASP.NET?What is the purpose of the Expires property of a cookie? How is it used?How can you retrieve the value of a cookie in an ASP.NET web page?How do you delete a cookie in ASP.NET?What are the security considerations when working with cookies in ASP.NET?Can you explain the concept of cookieless sessions in ASP.NET?How do you handle cookie size limitations in ASP.NET?What is Cookie Munging?What is Cookie Dictionary?Is it possible to create cookies with keys? Explain using some example?What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cookies? Explain using some example?What is the maximum Data that can be stored in a cookie?What is the maximum number of cookies that can be allowed to a web site?How to turn off cookies for one page in your site in ASP.NET?How do you create a permanent cookie?What is persistent and nonpersistent cookie?Is it possible that cookies created by asp.net application can only be accessed via server side code only?Is it possible to restrict that client side code can not access any cookie?If a users has disabled cookies in his browsers, what can be done to enable forms authentication?What are the different level of settings available for configure cookies in browser?Have you encountered any issues related to cross-domain cookies in your ASP.NET projects? If so, how did you handle them?
What is session state in ASP.NET?How is session state managed in ASP.NET Web Forms?What method do you use to explicitly kill a users session?Where does ASP.Net stores sessionIDs by default?What is the size of the session ID?How can we disable session for an ASP.NET Application?How can we disable session in Page Level?Can we use session variable in App_code Class page?Does SessionID change with every request in the asp.net application?Difference between ASP Session and ASP.NET Session?What is the difference between Session.Clear() and Session.RemoveAll() method?Do session use cookies?Explain Cookie-Less session in asp.netWhat is the best state management variable to save the username for particular session?Can you give an example of what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines?What is the difference between Application and Session object?Which typically consumes more memory: application state or session state?Which might not work if a user has disabled cookies in his or her Web browser: application state or session state?Can you explain the difference between in-process and out-of-process session state modes?What are the various session state modes available in ASP.NET, and how do they differ?How do you enable and configure session state in an ASP.NET Web Forms application?Can you describe the role and usage of the Session object in ASP.NET?How do you store and retrieve data in session state?What are the considerations and best practices for managing session state effectively?How do you handle session timeouts and expiration in ASP.NET Web Forms?What are the options for storing session state out-of-process, and how do they differ?Can you explain how session state is maintained in a web farm or load-balanced environment?Session_end() event is suppported by which session mode only?What are the advantages and disadvantages of state server(outproc) session mode?What are the advantages and disadvantages of SQL Server session mode?What is the default mode for Session State in ASP.NET?What is the difference between cache and session?What is the difference between HttpContext.Current.Items and HttpContext.Current.Session in ASP.NET?Is it possible to set SessionState to readonly mode? Readonly mode means, we can only read data from session but we can not write any data in session variable?Is it possible to use InProc mode for sessionState in case of web garden?Have you encountered any challenges or issues related to session state management in your ASP.NET projects? If so, how did you address them?

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft for building dynamic web applications, web services, and web APIs. It is a part of the .NET platform and is widely used for creating modern, scalable, and feature-rich web applications. ASP.NET enables developers to build web applications using multiple programming languages like C#, VB.NET, and F#.

Who is this course for?

ASP.NET is a valuable web development framework that can be beneficial for various individuals and professionals. Here are some groups of people who should consider learning ASP.NET:

  1. Job Seekers: Individuals who are looking for web development job can prepare interview questions and answers and can start their ASP.NET career. It provides a well-established framework and job opportunities in the web development industry.
  2. Web Developers: Anyone interested in web development or already working as a web developer should learn ASP.NET. It is a widely used and versatile framework for building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  3. C# Developers: ASP.NET is primarily built on C#, so developers familiar with C# will find it easier to transition into ASP.NET development. Learning ASP.NET will expand their skillset and enable them to build web applications.
  4. Software Engineers: Software engineers who want to enhance their expertise in web development should learn ASP.NET. It allows them to create feature-rich web applications and integrate them with other software systems.
  5. Students and Aspiring Developers: Students pursuing computer science or software engineering degrees or those interested in a career in web development can benefit from learning ASP.NET. It opens up opportunities for web development roles in various industries.
  6. Entrepreneurs and Startups: Entrepreneurs and startup founders who want to build their own web applications or online platforms can benefit from learning ASP.NET. It provides the tools to create scalable and robust applications.
  7. IT Professionals: IT professionals working in organizations that use ASP.NET for web application development should consider learning it to better understand and contribute to their team's projects.
  8. Existing Web Developers (Other Frameworks): Web developers already experienced with other web development frameworks may find value in learning ASP.NET to diversify their skillset and explore new opportunities.
  9. Those Interested in Microsoft Technologies: ASP.NET is a part of the Microsoft technology stack. Individuals interested in Microsoft technologies and platforms, such as Azure cloud services, will benefit from learning ASP.NET.
  10. Career Changers: Individuals looking to change their career path to web development can start by learning ASP.NET. It provides a well-established framework and job opportunities in the web development industry.
  11. Freelancers: Freelancers who offer web development services can expand their client base by learning ASP.NET and being able to provide solutions using this popular framework.

Overall, anyone interested in web development, software engineering, or Microsoft technologies can benefit from learning ASP.NET. It is a versatile and powerful framework that enables developers to build robust, scalable, and feature-rich web applications to meet various business needs.

Key features of ASP.NET

Key features of ASP.NET include:

  1. Server-Side Technology: ASP.NET is a server-side technology, meaning the processing of web requests and responses takes place on the web server. The server processes the request, executes the application logic, and generates HTML or other content that is sent back to the client's browser.
  2. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: ASP.NET MVC is a design pattern that separates the application into three main components: Model (data and business logic), View (user interface), and Controller (handles user input and interactions). This separation of concerns allows for better organization and maintainability of the application.
  3. ASP.NET Web Forms: ASP.NET Web Forms is another web development model that provides a more event-driven programming approach. It includes server controls, view state management, and a form-based development paradigm.
  4. ASP.NET Core: ASP.NET Core is the latest version of ASP.NET, and it is an open-source, cross-platform framework. ASP.NET Core allows developers to build web applications that can run on Windows, macOS, or Linux. It provides high performance, better modularization, and improved support for modern web development.
  5. Rich Controls and Libraries: ASP.NET offers a wide range of built-in server controls and libraries that simplify web development tasks. These controls provide rich functionality for user interface elements, data access, and validation.
  6. Integration with Other Microsoft Technologies: ASP.NET integrates well with other Microsoft technologies like SQL Server, Entity Framework for data access, and Azure for cloud hosting and deployment.
  7. Security: ASP.NET provides features for implementing secure web applications, including authentication, authorization, and protection against common security threats.
  8. Extensibility: ASP.NET is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom controls, modules, and libraries to suit specific project requirements.
  9. Developer-Friendly Tooling: Visual Studio, Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE), provides excellent tooling support for ASP.NET development, making it easier for developers to build, test, and deploy web applications.

ASP.NET has a large and active community, which means there are plenty of resources, documentation, and community support available for developers. Whether you are building small websites or large enterprise applications, ASP.NET offers a powerful and flexible platform to meet your web development needs.

Which types of applications are developed by ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a versatile web development framework that can be used to build a wide range of web applications and services. Some of the types of applications commonly developed using ASP.NET include:

  1. Business Websites: ASP.NET is commonly used to build business websites, including corporate websites, marketing websites, and e-commerce platforms. It provides the tools and libraries to create interactive and professional-looking websites.
  2. Web Applications: ASP.NET is ideal for building web applications with complex business logic and data processing. These applications can include content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and other data-driven applications.
  3. Enterprise Applications: ASP.NET is used to build enterprise-level applications that handle large-scale data processing, resource management, and user authentication. These applications often involve integration with other systems and databases.
  4. E-commerce Platforms: ASP.NET is a popular choice for developing e-commerce websites and online shopping platforms. It provides features like secure payment processing, shopping carts, and inventory management.
  5. Content Management Systems (CMS): ASP.NET is used to build CMS platforms that allow users to create, manage, and publish digital content on websites. Examples include platforms like Umbraco and Sitecore.
  6. Web Services and APIs: ASP.NET can be used to develop web services and APIs to enable communication between different software systems. These APIs are commonly used for mobile app development, integration with third-party services, and data exchange.
  7. Social Networking Platforms: ASP.NET can be used to build social networking websites and applications that involve user profiles, friend networks, messaging, and activity feeds.
  8. Real-time Applications: ASP.NET SignalR, a library for real-time web functionality, allows developers to build real-time applications like chat applications, live dashboards, and multiplayer games.
  9. Web Portals: ASP.NET can be used to create web portals that aggregate and present information from various sources in a unified interface. These portals are often used for intranets and information dissemination within organizations.
  10. Educational Platforms: ASP.NET is used in developing educational platforms, learning management systems (LMS), and online course websites.
  11. Government Applications: ASP.NET is utilized in building web applications for government agencies, including citizen portals, online tax filing systems, and e-government services.

Overall, ASP.NET's versatility and powerful features make it a popular choice for building various web applications across different industries and domains. Whether it's a small business website or a large enterprise application, ASP.NET provides the tools and scalability required for successful web development projects.

What you will learn from this C# ASP.NET Course?

You will learn the ASP.NET interview questions and answers of the folloing topics:

  1. ASP.NET Basics
  2. ASP.NET Configs
  3. HttpHandler & HttpModule
  4. ViewState
  5. Control State
  6. Hidden Fields
  7. Cookies
  8. Query Strings
  9. Sessions
  10. Application State
  11. ASP.NET Page Navigations
  12. ASP.NET Caching
  13. Server Controls
  15. ASP.NET Security
  16. Performance and Scalability