Difference between ASP.Net Website and ASP.Net Web Application?
ASP.NET Website and ASP.NET Web Application are two different project types in ASP.NET, each with its own characteristics and development approaches. Here are the key differences between them:
ASP.NET Website:
Compilation: In an ASP.NET Website, the code is typically compiled dynamically at runtime. Each page and code-behind file is compiled separately when it is accessed for the first time. This allows for easier and faster development as there is no need to explicitly compile the entire project.
File Structure: In an ASP.NET Website, the project files are organized in a simple and flexible structure. Pages, code-behind files, and other resources can be added or modified without the need to manage a project file explicitly.
Deployment: When deploying an ASP.NET Website, the source code files are deployed directly to the web server. The server compiles the code dynamically at runtime when the pages are accessed. This makes it easier to update or modify code on the server without recompiling the entire project.
Visual Studio Support: ASP.NET Websites are supported in all versions of Visual Studio, including the free Express editions.
ASP.NET Web Application:
Compilation: In an ASP.NET Web Application, the code is compiled upfront into assemblies (DLL files) before deployment. The entire project is compiled into a single assembly, which improves performance and provides better error checking during development.
Project Structure: ASP.NET Web Applications have a structured project file that includes references, configuration files, and other project-specific settings. The code files are organized in a logical structure within the project, making it easier to manage and navigate through the codebase.
Deployment: When deploying an ASP.NET Web Application, only the compiled assembly (DLL) and necessary resources are deployed to the web server. The server does not perform dynamic compilation at runtime, resulting in faster startup and improved performance.
Visual Studio Support: ASP.NET Web Applications require Visual Studio Professional or higher editions. They are not supported in the free Express editions.
Precompilation: ASP.NET Web Applications can be precompiled, which means the entire project is compiled into assemblies before deployment. This allows for further optimizations, such as removing unused code, and provides additional security by hiding the source code.
In summary, the main differences between ASP.NET Websites and ASP.NET Web Applications lie in their compilation approach, file structure, deployment process, and Visual Studio support. ASP.NET Websites offer a flexible and dynamic compilation approach, while ASP.NET Web Applications provide a structured project file, upfront compilation, and better performance optimization options. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project.