LINQ Interview QuestionsWhat is LINQ?Explain the main benefits of LINQWhat are the different types of LINQ?What is the difference between LINQ to Objects and LINQ to SQL?What are different methods to write LINQ Query in C#?Explain the concept of deferred loading in LINQ to SQL.What is eager loading in LINQ?What is lazy loading in LINQ?Can you disable lazy/deferred loading?What is explicit loading in LINQ?What is IQueryable in LINQ?What is the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable?What are lambda expressions in LINQ?What is Can we use ref and out paramters in lambda expression? if declared outside?What is LINQ provider and explain different types of LINQ providers?What are advantages of LINQ over DataSet?What is the difference between LINQ and stored procedures?What are the disadvantages of LINQ over stored procedure?Difference between ADO.Net and LINQ to SQL?How can you handle concurrency in LINQ to SQL?How can you handle concurrency at field level in LINQ to SQL?What is the purpose of "Any" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "All" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "Any" and "All" operators in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Contains" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "Any" and "Contains" operators in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Count" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Min" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Max" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Sum" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Average" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "ToList" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "ToArray" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "ToList" and "ToArray" methods in LINQ?What is the purpose of "ToDictionary" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "ToLookup" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Cast" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "First" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "FirstOrDefault" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between First and FirstOrDefault in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Single" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "SingleOrDefault" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "Single" and "SingleOrDefault" in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Last" operator in LINQ?What is the purpose of "LastOrDefault" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "Last" and "LastOrDefault" in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Where" operator in LINQ?What is the use of "Select" operator in LINQ?When to use "SelectMany" operator in LINQ?What is the difference between "Select" and "SelectMany" in LINQ?What is the purpose of "OrderBy" clause in LINQ?What is the purpose of "GroupBy" clause in LINQ?What is the usage of "Having" clause in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Distinct" method in LINQ?How do you use the "Distinct" method with a custom equality comparer in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Concat" method in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Skip" method in LINQ?What is the purpose of "Take" method in LINQ?

Purpose of "Skip" Method in LINQ

The Skip method in LINQ serves the purpose of skipping a specified number of elements from the beginning of a collection and returning the remaining elements. It allows you to effectively ignore a portion of the sequence and retrieve the elements that come after the skipped portion.

The Skip method has the following characteristics:

  • It allows you to omit a specified number of elements from the start of a sequence.
  • The skipped elements are discarded, and the subsequent elements are returned as a new sequence.
  • If the count of elements to skip exceeds the length of the sequence, an empty sequence is returned.
  • The result of the Skip method is an IEnumerable<TSource> that represents the sequence with skipped elements.

Below is the syntax of the Skip method in LINQ:

IEnumerable<TSource> result = sequence.Skip(count);

Here's a simple C# example to illustrate the use of the Skip method:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        // Use the Skip method to skip the first 3 numbers in the array
        IEnumerable skippedNumbers = numbers.Skip(3);

        // Output the skipped numbers
        Console.WriteLine("Numbers after skipping the first 3 elements:");
        foreach (int num in skippedNumbers)


Numbers after skipping the first 3 elements:

In this example, we have an array of numbers, and we apply the Skip method with an argument of 3. This means we skip the first 3 elements (1, 2, and 3) and retrieve the remaining elements (4 and 5). The program then prints out the "Numbers after skipping the first 3 elements," which are 4 and 5.

So, the Skip method is useful when you need to start processing a sequence from a certain point or exclude a specific number of elements at the beginning of a collection before working with the remaining elements.