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Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core.

Razor Pages is a feature in ASP.NET Core that provides a page-based programming model for building web applications. It is an alternative to the traditional MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and is designed to simplify the development of lightweight web pages that require minimal ceremony and boilerplate code. Razor Pages is particularly useful for building small to medium-sized applications, content-focused websites, and quick prototypes.

Here are the key concepts of Razor Pages:

1. Simple Storytelling:

Razor Pages are like little tales you tell on the web. Each Razor Page is a story, a webpage, where you can show information or get things done.

2. Mixing HTML and C#:

What's cool about Razor Pages is how they mix HTML, the language of the web, with C#, a programming language. It's like telling a story with both words and actions.

3. One Page, One Story:

Each Razor Page is dedicated to one particular story or task. It keeps things organized—no big, confusing pile of code. It's like having a book where each page tells its own unique story.

4. Easy to Understand:

If you know a bit about HTML and C#, Razor Pages are a breeze. They're designed to be simple, making it easy for developers to understand and create without getting lost in complex structures.

5. Handling User Requests:

When someone clicks a button or goes to a specific web address, Razor Pages jump into action. They know how to respond to user requests, like showing a new page or saving information.

6. Reusable Components:

Think of Razor Pages like building blocks. You can create little components (like a navigation menu or a contact form) and reuse them across different pages. It's like having a favorite character that pops up in multiple stories.

7. Separation of Concerns:

Razor Pages keep things tidy by separating different parts of the story. HTML handles how the page looks, and C# takes care of the logic—like deciding what to show or do when someone interacts with the page.

8. Testing the Waters:

If you're just getting into web development, Razor Pages are a friendly starting point. They make it easy to create simple websites without feeling overwhelmed.

9. Goodbye to Massive Code Files:

Unlike traditional web development where you might have huge code files, Razor Pages keep things compact. It's like having short chapters instead of a never-ending novel.

In a nutshell, Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core are your friendly, organized storytellers for the web. They make it enjoyable to create web pages, handling both the look and the actions, so you can tell your web stories without the fuss.

Razor Pages provide a lightweight and approachable way to build web applications, especially when you don't require the full complexity and architecture of the MVC pattern. However, if your application grows in complexity or demands more granular control over routing and behavior, you may consider using the traditional MVC pattern instead.