.Net Framework ArchitectureWhat is .Net framework?When was the .net announced?When was the first version of .net released?What platform does the .net framework runs on?What .Net represents?Different types of DOTNET Frameworks?What is not .NET?What is exactly .NET?What are the different versions of .Net framework?What is CLR (Common language runtime)?What is CTS?What is CLS?What is Managed and unmanaged Code?What is Intermediate Language or MSIL?.NET CoreWhat is .NET Core, and what are its key features?What are the advantages of using .NET Core over the traditional .NET Framework?Explain the concept of cross-platform development in .NET Core.What is ASP.NET Core, and how is it different from ASP.NET?How does Dependency Injection work in .NET Core, and why is it important?What are Middleware and how are they used in ASP.NET Core?What is the role of the .NET CLI (Command-Line Interface) in .NET Core development?Explain the use of the appsettings.json file in ASP.NET Core.What are Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core MVC?How does .NET Core handle configuration management?What is Entity Framework Core, and how is it different from Entity Framework?Discuss the differences between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and .NET Standard.What is the role of Kestrel in ASP.NET Core?Explain the concept of Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core.How do you handle authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Core?What are the different types of caching in ASP.NET Core?What is the purpose of the Startup class in ASP.NET Core?Explain the importance of the Program.cs file in a .NET Core applicationWhat are the benefits of using the .NET Core CLI (dotnet) for project management?How can you deploy a .NET Core application on different platforms?Discuss the role of Controllers and Views in ASP.NET Core MVC.What are the different types of hosting models in ASP.NET Core?How do you manage application logging in ASP.NET Core?What is the purpose of the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware in ASP.NET Core?How does .NET Core handle Dependency Injection in unit testing?What is the role of the services.Add... methods in ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs?Explain the concept of Health Checks in ASP.NET Core.What are the benefits of using the MVC architectural pattern in ASP.NET Core?How do you handle localization and globalization in ASP.NET Core?How does Dependency Injection (DI) enhance the maintainability and testability of .NET Core applications?Explain the concept of Razor Pages and how they fit into the architectural design of ASP.NET Core applications.What are the architectural differences between monolithic and microservices-based applications, and how does .NET Core support both approaches?

What is ASP.NET Core, and how is it different from ASP.NET?

ASP.NET Core is a modern, open-source, and cross-platform web framework developed by Microsoft. It is a part of the .NET Core platform and is designed to build web applications, APIs, and microservices that can run on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Key features of ASP.NET Core include:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: ASP.NET Core is built on top of .NET Core, which makes it cross-platform. It allows developers to build and run web applications on different operating systems, providing greater flexibility in deployment.
  2. Modular and Lightweight: ASP.NET Core follows a modular design, and developers can use only the required components (NuGet packages) for their web applications. This lightweight approach results in better performance and reduced overhead.
  3. Improved Performance: ASP.NET Core has been optimized for high performance, offering faster application startup times and improved response times compared to the traditional ASP.NET.
  4. Unified MVC and Web API Framework: ASP.NET Core combines the functionalities of ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) and ASP.NET Web API into a single framework, making it easier to build both web pages and APIs within the same application.
  5. Middleware Pipeline: ASP.NET Core uses a middleware pipeline that allows developers to handle requests and responses at different stages in the processing pipeline. This makes it easier to add cross-cutting concerns, such as authentication, logging, and exception handling.
  6. Dependency Injection (DI): ASP.NET Core natively supports Dependency Injection, making it easier to manage dependencies and improve testability and maintainability of the application.
  7. Support for Modern Web Standards: ASP.NET Core is designed to support modern web standards and follows the latest web development best practices, including support for WebSockets and SignalR for real-time communication.
  8. Razor Pages: ASP.NET Core introduces Razor Pages, a page-based programming model that simplifies building simple web pages without the need for a full MVC architecture.

Differences between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET:

  1. Platform Compatibility: ASP.NET Core is cross-platform and can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, while traditional ASP.NET applications are primarily designed to run on Windows operating systems.
  2. Framework Dependency: ASP.NET Core relies on .NET Core, which is a leaner and more modular framework, while traditional ASP.NET applications depend on the full .NET Framework, which is more extensive and Windows-specific.
  3. Performance: ASP.NET Core is designed with performance optimization in mind and is generally faster than traditional ASP.NET due to its lightweight architecture and improved request processing.
  4. MVC and Web API Integration: ASP.NET Core integrates the functionalities of MVC and Web API into a unified framework, allowing developers to build web pages and APIs using the same set of tools and concepts.
  5. Middleware Pipeline: ASP.NET Core introduces a middleware pipeline, providing more control over the request/response processing, while traditional ASP.NET uses HTTP modules and handlers.
  6. Dependency Injection: ASP.NET Core natively supports Dependency Injection, which is more robust and flexible compared to the earlier dependency resolution mechanisms in traditional ASP.NET.

Overall, ASP.NET Core offers a modern and lightweight alternative to traditional ASP.NET, providing cross-platform support, improved performance, and enhanced development capabilities. It is well-suited for building web applications and APIs that can run on various platforms, making it a preferred choice for modern web development.