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A is the base class and B is the child class, If we create an instance of child class then which class’s constructor called first?Does a derived class can inherit the constructors of its base class?What should we do that if we create an object of child class then the parameterized constructor of base class must be invoked?As we know that base constructor invoked first when we create instance of child class but if we create an instance of child class by parameterized constructor and base class has both default and parameterized constructor then which constructor of the base will be invoked?Can you assign an object of derived class to the variable of base class and if both have the same method name then which will be invoked?Can we create instance of base class and store it to derive class?Can we create derive class object inside base class, and if create instance of child class then what will happen?Can we inherit child class from 2 base classes? if yes then how? If not then why?Does C# support Multiple Inheritance?Why multiple inheritance is not supported in C# and why it’s supported in C++?How is multiple inheritance achieved in C#?What are Access Modifiers? Explain private, public, protected, internal, protected internal access modifiersWhat are the default access modifiers of the class?Why classes cannot be declared as protected?Can we declare private class in namespace?What are the valid access specifier used for the declaration of class at namespace level? If we inherit a class, do the private variables also get inherited?Can you prevent your class from being inherited?Can you prevent your class from being inherited without using sealed keyword?What is abstraction?What is encapsulation?What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?What is polymorphism?What is static or compile time polymorphism?What is runtime polymorphism or late binding or dynamic binding?What is method overloading?When and why we should use overload methods?What is inheritance based overloading?What are the advantages of using overloading?Can we overload the method in the same class?What is the execution control flow in overloaded methods?What is method overriding?What s virtual keyword?What are the key points to make the method as overridden?When it is must to override the method?When a derived class can overrides the base class member?Can we declare fields inside the class as virtual?When we treat sub-class method as an overriding method?Can we override private virtual method in c#?Can we override method in the same class?Can we execute parent class method if it is overridden in the child class?If we have virtual in base class and the same method is overridden in child class, by creating instance of child class and assign it to base class, then which of the method will be invoked first.What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?What is method hiding?Can you access a hidden method in the derived which is declared in the base class?What is the difference between method overriding and method hiding?You have a component with 2 parameters and deployed to client side, now you have changed your method with 3 parameters, how can you deploy this without affecting the client code?What is operator overloading?What is abstract class and why we need of it?What are the rules of abstract classes?What is an abstract method?What is concrete method?When do you use abstract class in C#?When to use the abstract method in C#?

What is abstraction?

Abstraction in C# is a concept that focuses on showing only the necessary details of an object while hiding the unnecessary complexities. It allows you to create classes with well-defined interfaces that expose the essential features and behaviors of an object, while keeping the implementation details hidden. Abstraction helps you manage complexity, promote modularity, and improve code readability and maintainability.

In simple terms, abstraction is like using a TV remote control. When you want to change the channel, you press buttons on the remote. You don't need to know how the TV actually works inside; the remote abstracts the complexity of the TV's internal components.

Here's a basic example of abstraction:

// Abstract class representing a Shape
public abstract class Shape
    // Abstract method to calculate area
    public abstract double CalculateArea();

// Concrete class Circle inheriting from Shape
public class Circle : Shape
    public double Radius { get; set; }

    public override double CalculateArea()
        return Math.PI * Radius * Radius;

// Concrete class Rectangle inheriting from Shape
public class Rectangle : Shape
    public double Width { get; set; }
    public double Height { get; set; }

    public override double CalculateArea()
        return Width * Height;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Shape circle = new Circle { Radius = 5 };
        Shape rectangle = new Rectangle { Width = 4, Height = 6 };

        Console.WriteLine("Circle Area: " + circle.CalculateArea());
        Console.WriteLine("Rectangle Area: " + rectangle.CalculateArea());

In this example, the 'Shape' class defines an abstraction for calculating the area of different shapes. Concrete classes like 'Circle' and 'Rectangle' provide the specific implementations for calculating their respective areas. The user of these classes doesn't need to know the details of how the area calculation works internally. The abstraction provided by the Shape class hides those details and allows you to work with shapes at a higher level of understanding.

In essence, abstraction helps you create a clear separation between what something does (the interface) and how it does it (the implementation). This separation is valuable for designing maintainable and flexible software.

Advantages of Abstraction

Abstraction offers several advantages in software development by promoting modularity, simplifying complex systems, and improving code readability. Here are some key advantages of abstraction:

  1. Complexity Management: Abstraction helps manage the complexity of software systems. By hiding implementation details and exposing only relevant functionalities, abstraction allows developers to focus on high-level concepts and interactions, making the overall design more manageable.
  2. Modularity and Reusability: Abstraction promotes modular design, allowing you to create components that can be reused across different parts of your application. Well-defined abstractions can be easily integrated into new projects, reducing the need to rewrite code from scratch.
  3. Ease of Maintenance: With abstraction, changes to the implementation details of a class or module are isolated from the rest of the codebase. This makes maintenance easier since modifications are less likely to affect other parts of the system.
  4. Code Readability: Abstraction provides a higher-level view of a module's functionalities without requiring knowledge of its internal complexities. This improves code readability and makes it easier for developers to understand and collaborate on projects.
  5. Encapsulation: Abstraction supports encapsulation by exposing only the necessary interfaces while hiding implementation details. This helps prevent unintended interference with the inner workings of a class or module.
  6. Flexibility and Extensibility: Abstraction allows you to build systems that can be extended without modifying existing code. New functionality can be added through new abstractions without altering the existing codebase, promoting the Open/Closed Principle in software design.
  7. Adaptability to Change: Abstraction reduces the impact of changes by keeping external interfaces stable. If implementation details change, the external interface can remain the same, minimizing disruptions to dependent code.
  8. Separation of Concerns: Abstraction helps separate the concerns of different modules in a system. By exposing only relevant information, it encourages a clear distinction between different components, enhancing maintainability and reducing code coupling.
  9. Testing and Debugging: Abstraction allows for easier testing since you can focus on testing the public interfaces without needing to consider the complexities of the internal implementation. This improves the efficiency of testing and debugging efforts.
  10. Team Collaboration: Well-defined abstractions provide a common language and understanding among developers. This facilitates communication and collaboration within development teams and across different projects.

In summary, abstraction is a crucial design principle that helps developers create more maintainable, reusable, and adaptable software systems by hiding unnecessary details and exposing only what's essential for interaction. It enables effective management of complexity and promotes a modular, well-structured codebase.

Real life example of abstraction:

Consider a car. From an abstract perspective, a car is seen as a mode of transportation that allows you to travel from one place to another. This abstraction focuses on the essential features and functionalities of a car, such as its ability to move, its seating capacity, and its storage space.

However, when you delve deeper into the details, a car is actually a complex system made up of various components and subsystems, like the engine, transmission, suspension, brakes, and electronics. Each of these components has its own intricate workings and interactions.

In this example, the abstraction is the simplified concept of a car as a means of transportation, while the reality involves a multitude of technical components working together. Abstraction allows us to think about and interact with complex systems without being overwhelmed by every intricate detail.

Let's illustrate the concept of abstraction using a simple example in C#.

Imagine we're designing a basic 'car' simulation program. We'll create an abstract class called 'Car' that defines the essential properties and methods that any car should have. Then, we'll create a concrete class 'SportsCar' that inherits from 'Car' and provides specific implementations.

using System;

// Abstract class representing the abstraction of a car
public abstract class Car
    public abstract void Start();  // Abstract method for starting the car
    public abstract void Stop();   // Abstract method for stopping the car

// Concrete class representing a specific type of car (SportsCar) with detailed implementation
public class SportsCar : Car
    public override void Start()
        Console.WriteLine("Sports car engine started.");
        // Additional implementation details specific to starting a sports car

    public override void Stop()
        Console.WriteLine("Sports car engine stopped.");
        // Additional implementation details specific to stopping a sports car

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Using abstraction to interact with the car without knowing its internal details
        Car myCar = new SportsCar();  // Creating an instance of the concrete class
        myCar.Start();                // Starting the car
        myCar.Stop();                 // Stopping the car

In this example, the 'Car' abstract class represents the abstraction of a car by providing the essential methods 'Start' and 'Stop'. The 'SportsCar' class inherits from 'Car' and provides specific implementations of these methods.

When we use abstraction in the 'Main' method, we create an instance of 'SportsCar' and interact with it using the abstract methods provided by the 'Car' class. This allows us to treat the 'SportsCar' as a generalized concept of a car without needing to know the intricate details of how the sports car starts or stops.

Abstraction allows you to focus on the high-level functionalities of objects while ignoring their internal complexities, making your code more maintainable and easier to understand.