OOP (object oriented programming)What is the class?What do you mean by object?What are the differences between class and object?Can you create an object without using new operator in C#?What is constructor and how many constructors can have one class?Differences between constructor and method of the class? What is default constructor?What is parameterized Constructor in C#?What is private constructor: In what instances you will declare a constructor to be private?What is static constructor, Is it possible to have a static constructor in class. If yes why we need to have a static constructor?Does C# provide copy constructor for an object? How do you call the multiple constructors of a class with single object creation?What is constructor chaining in C#?Can a constructor be called directly from a method?What is constructor overloading and how it’s different than method overloading?What is the difference between constructor overloading and method overloading?Is it possible to overload copy constructor in C#?Can we overload static constructors in C#?Can we overload private constructors in C#?Can we give return type of the constructor in C#?What is the destructor and when it’s called?Is it possible to call constructor and destructor explicitly?What is the Structure and why we need it although we have a class?What are the similarities between Class and Structure?What is the difference between Class and Structure?What is copy structure?What is nested structure?Is it always necessary to create an object of the class?How many different ways to create an object of the class?What are the pros and cons of creating object by new() keyword?What are the pros and cons of delegate object creation to DI container?What are the pros and cons of creating an object by reflection?What are the pros and cons of getting an object from an object pool?What are the pros and cons of creating an object by deserialization?Is it possible to create an object without a class in C#?What is constant?What is static modifier? What are the Static fields and methodsWhat is Static ReadOnly?What are the limitations of static?What is readonly? What’s the difference between constant and read-only?What is this keyword?What is base keyword?What is the difference between this and base keyword?Can “this” keyword be used within static method?What are the accessors?What is the static class? Why we need of static class?If someone wants to create static class then what are the rules for the static class?What are the limitations of using static keyword?What are finalizers in c#?How to create N number of instances of C# class?What are the Nested Classes and why we use them?What are the basic four pillars of OOP?What is the Inheritance and why we need of inheritance?How do you inherit a class into other class in C#?What is the concept of base and derive class?What are the different types of inheritance?We have two classes’ base class and child class. A is the base class and B is the child class, If we create an instance of child class then which class’s constructor called first?Does a derived class can inherit the constructors of its base class?What should we do that if we create an object of child class then the parameterized constructor of base class must be invoked?As we know that base constructor invoked first when we create instance of child class but if we create an instance of child class by parameterized constructor and base class has both default and parameterized constructor then which constructor of the base will be invoked?Can you assign an object of derived class to the variable of base class and if both have the same method name then which will be invoked?Can we create instance of base class and store it to derive class?Can we create derive class object inside base class, and if create instance of child class then what will happen?Can we inherit child class from 2 base classes? if yes then how? If not then why?Does C# support Multiple Inheritance?Why multiple inheritance is not supported in C# and why it’s supported in C++?How is multiple inheritance achieved in C#?What are Access Modifiers? Explain private, public, protected, internal, protected internal access modifiersWhat are the default access modifiers of the class?Why classes cannot be declared as protected?Can we declare private class in namespace?What are the valid access specifier used for the declaration of class at namespace level? If we inherit a class, do the private variables also get inherited?Can you prevent your class from being inherited?Can you prevent your class from being inherited without using sealed keyword?What is abstraction?What is encapsulation?What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?What is polymorphism?What is static or compile time polymorphism?What is runtime polymorphism or late binding or dynamic binding?What is method overloading?When and why we should use overload methods?What is inheritance based overloading?What are the advantages of using overloading?Can we overload the method in the same class?What is the execution control flow in overloaded methods?What is method overriding?What s virtual keyword?What are the key points to make the method as overridden?When it is must to override the method?When a derived class can overrides the base class member?Can we declare fields inside the class as virtual?When we treat sub-class method as an overriding method?Can we override private virtual method in c#?Can we override method in the same class?Can we execute parent class method if it is overridden in the child class?If we have virtual in base class and the same method is overridden in child class, by creating instance of child class and assign it to base class, then which of the method will be invoked first.What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?What is method hiding?Can you access a hidden method in the derived which is declared in the base class?What is the difference between method overriding and method hiding?You have a component with 2 parameters and deployed to client side, now you have changed your method with 3 parameters, how can you deploy this without affecting the client code?What is operator overloading?What is abstract class and why we need of it?What are the rules of abstract classes?What is an abstract method?What is concrete method?When do you use abstract class in C#?When to use the abstract method in C#?

What are Access Modifiers? Explain private, public, protected, internal, protected internal access modifiers.

Access modifiers in C# are keywords that determine the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, properties, fields, and other members within a program. They control which parts of your code can be accessed from other parts of the program and from outside sources.

There are several access modifiers in C#:

  1. public: Members with this modifier are accessible from any part of the program, including outside the class or assembly.
    public class PublicExample
        public int PublicField; // Accessible from anywhere
        public void PublicMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("This method is public.");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PublicExample example = new PublicExample();
            example.PublicField = 42; // Can be accessed directly
            example.PublicMethod(); // Can be called from anywhere
  2. private: Members with this modifier are only accessible within the same class or struct. They can't be accessed from outside.
    public class PrivateExample
        private int PrivateField; // Accessible only within this class
        private void PrivateMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("This method is private.");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PrivateExample example = new PrivateExample();
            // example.PrivateField = 42; // This will result in a compile-time error
            // example.PrivateMethod(); // This will result in a compile-time error
  3. protected: Members with this modifier are accessible within the same class, as well as in derived classes (subclasses). They can't be accessed from outside the class hierarchy.
    public class Parent
        protected int ProtectedField; // Accessible within this class and derived classes
        protected void ProtectedMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("This method is protected.");
    public class Child : Parent
        public void AccessProtectedMember()
            ProtectedField = 42; // Accessible in derived class
            ProtectedMethod(); // Accessible in derived class
  4. internal: Members with this modifier are accessible within the same assembly (a compiled unit of code, like a DLL or EXE).
    // Assembly A
    [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("AssemblyB")]
    public class InternalExample
        internal int InternalField; // Accessible within the same assembly
        internal void InternalMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("This method is internal.");
    // Assembly B
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InternalExample example = new InternalExample();
            example.InternalField = 42; // Accessible in the same assembly
            example.InternalMethod(); // Accessible in the same assembly
  5. protected internal: This is a combination of the protected and internal modifiers. It allows access within the same assembly and in derived classes, whether they are in the same assembly or a different one.
    public class Parent
        protected internal int ProtectedInternalField; // Accessible within this assembly and derived classes
        protected internal void ProtectedInternalMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("This method is protected internal.");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Parent parent = new Parent();
            parent.ProtectedInternalField = 42; // Accessible in the same assembly
            parent.ProtectedInternalMethod(); // Accessible in the same assembly

Access modifiers play a crucial role in encapsulation, which is a principle of object-oriented programming that focuses on controlling the visibility of class members. By specifying the appropriate access modifier, you can manage how much of your code is exposed and accessible to other parts of the program, helping to maintain code organization and security.

Why we use Access Modifiers?

Access modifiers are used in programming languages like C# to control the visibility and accessibility of class members (fields, methods, properties, etc.). They serve several important purposes in software development:

  1. Encapsulation: Access modifiers help enforce the principle of encapsulation, which is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming. Encapsulation means bundling the data (fields) and the methods that operate on the data (methods) into a single unit (class), and controlling the access to that unit. Access modifiers allow you to restrict access to certain members, preventing unintended modifications and ensuring that data is only manipulated through controlled methods.
  2. Data Hiding: By making certain members private, you hide the internal implementation details of a class from the outside world. This prevents external code from directly modifying the internal state of an object and helps maintain data integrity and consistency.
  3. Abstraction: Access modifiers allow you to define a public interface for a class while keeping its internal details hidden. This way, you can provide a clear and well-defined set of functionalities to users of your class without exposing the complexities of its implementation.
  4. Code Organization and Readability: Using access modifiers helps you organize your code by clearly indicating which members are meant to be used by other classes and which are meant to be internal. This improves code readability and makes it easier for other developers (including your future self) to understand and work with your codebase.
  5. Security: Access modifiers contribute to the security of your code. By restricting access to sensitive parts of your code, you reduce the risk of unauthorized or accidental modifications that could lead to bugs or security vulnerabilities.
  6. Maintenance and Refactoring: Access modifiers make it easier to maintain and refactor your code. When you want to make changes to the internal implementation of a class, you can be confident that external code relying on that class's public interface won't be affected as long as you maintain backward compatibility.
  7. Inheritance and Polymorphism: Access modifiers play a role in inheritance and polymorphism. For example, the 'protected' modifier allows derived classes to access certain members of their base class, facilitating code reuse and extension.

In summary, access modifiers help you design and build more robust, secure, and maintainable software by controlling the way different parts of your codebase interact with each other and with external components. They are a crucial tool in achieving the principles of object-oriented programming such as encapsulation, abstraction, and separation of concerns.

Here's the chart about the scope of the accessibility of access modifiers:





protected internal


private protected

Entire program within assembly and out of the assembly (if it’s referenced)







Containing class (in which they resides or declared)







Within current assembly







Derived types (child classes)







Derived types within the current assembly in which it resides





