When it is must to override the method?
Method overriding is not always mandatory; it's used when you want to provide a specialized implementation of a method in a subclass that has been inherited from a superclass. Whether you should override a method or not depends on the specific requirements of your program and your design goals.
If the logic implemented in the superclass method doesn't meet the specific needs of the subclass, it becomes necessary to perform an override of the method within the subclass. This enables the subclass to define its own tailored logic in accordance with its distinct requirements.
Usually generic business logic is written in super class which is common for all subclasses.
Here are some scenarios when it's common and beneficial to override a method:
Specialized Behavior: When a subclass has a specific behavior or functionality that is different from the superclass, you might want to override a method to provide that specialized behavior. For example, a 'Dog' subclass could override a 'MakeSound()' method from a 'Animal' superclass to provide a specific bark sound.
Refining General Behavior: If a superclass provides a general implementation of a method, you can override it in a subclass to refine or modify that behavior to suit the specific needs of the subclass. For instance, a 'Shape' superclass could have an 'Area()' method, and different subclasses like 'Circle' and 'Rectangle' could override it to calculate their own areas.
Implementing Abstract Methods: If a superclass defines abstract methods (methods without implementation) that must be implemented by subclasses, you are required to override these methods in the subclasses to provide concrete implementations.
Polymorphism and Runtime Behavior: Overriding methods allows for polymorphism, where objects of different subclasses can be treated as objects of the superclass. This enables dynamic behavior at runtime, enhancing code flexibility and extensibility.
Interface Implementation: If a class implements an interface, it must provide implementations for all methods defined in the interface. These implementations are achieved through method overriding in the implementing class.
Preventing Inherited Behavior: In some cases, you might want to prevent inherited behavior from a superclass. By overriding a method in the subclass and providing an empty implementation, you effectively "turn off" that behavior for instances of the subclass.
Remember, method overriding is a design choice, and it's not mandatory in every situation. You might have scenarios where you don't need to override methods, especially if the inherited behavior from the superclass is sufficient for your subclass's functionality. Always consider the specific requirements and design principles of your program when deciding whether to override a method or not.