C - Control Statements Practice Test.1

  1. In C, what is the purpose of the "if" statement?

    A) To declare a variable

    B) To define a function

    C) To conditionally execute a block of code

    D) To perform arithmetic operations

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute a block of code

  2. What is the syntax for the simplest form of an "if" statement in C?

    A) `if (condition) { }`

    B) `if { } (condition)`

    C) `if condition then { }`

    D) `condition if { }`

    Answer: A) `if (condition) { }`

  3. In an "if" statement, what happens if the condition inside the parentheses evaluates to true?

    A) The code inside the block is executed

    B) The code inside the block is skipped

    C) An error is thrown

    D) The program terminates

    Answer: A) The code inside the block is executed

  4. What is the purpose of the "else" statement in C?

    A) To define a variable

    B) To end a loop

    C) To provide an alternative block of code to execute when the "if" condition is false

    D) To perform string operations

    Answer: C) To provide an alternative block of code to execute when the "if" condition is false

  5. What does the "else if" statement allow you to do in C?

    A) Define a new variable

    B) Create a loop

    C) Add an alternative condition to check if the initial "if" condition is false

    D) Declare a function

    Answer: C) Add an alternative condition to check if the initial "if" condition is false

  6. How can you execute multiple statements in an "if" block in C without using curly braces?

    A) Separate statements with commas

    B) Use a semicolon after each statement

    C) It's not possible; you must use curly braces

    D) Indent the statements

    Answer: C) It's not possible; you must use curly braces

  7. What is the purpose of the "switch" statement in C?

    A) To define a constant

    B) To iterate through an array

    C) To conditionally execute code based on the value of an expression

    D) To perform bitwise operations

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute code based on the value of an expression

  8. Which of the following is true regarding the "break" statement in a "switch" statement?

    A) It is used to end the entire program.

    B) It is used to exit the current "case" and resume execution after the "switch" block.

    C) It is used to continue to the next "case" without executing the current one.

    D) It is used to define a variable.

    Answer: B) It is used to exit the current "case" and resume execution after the "switch" block.

  9. In C, what is the purpose of the "default" case in a "switch" statement?

    A) To set a default value for a variable

    B) To indicate the end of the "switch" statement

    C) To provide a code block to execute when none of the "case" values match the expression

    D) To define a function

    Answer: C) To provide a code block to execute when none of the "case" values match the expression

  10. What is the role of the "goto" statement in C?

    A) To define a new variable

    B) To exit a loop

    C) To transfer control to a labeled statement within the same function

    D) To perform file I/O operations

    Answer: C) To transfer control to a labeled statement within the same function

  11. What is the primary purpose of the "if-else" statement in C?

    A) To declare variables

    B) To define functions

    C) To conditionally execute different blocks of code based on a condition

    D) To perform mathematical calculations

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute different blocks of code based on a condition

  12. What is the syntax for the "if-else" statement in C?

    A) `if (condition) { } else { }`

    B) `if else (condition) { }`

    C) `if (condition) { } elsif { }`

    D) `condition if { } else { }`

    Answer: A) `if (condition) { } else { }`

  13. In an "if-else" statement, what happens if the condition inside the "if" block evaluates to false?

    A) The code inside the "if" block is executed, and then the code inside the "else" block is executed.

    B) The code inside the "if" block is executed, and then the program terminates.

    C) The code inside the "else" block is executed.

    D) An error is thrown.

    Answer: C) The code inside the "else" block is executed.

  14. How many code blocks can an "if-else" statement have in C?

    A) One

    B) Two

    C) Three

    D) It can have as many as needed

    Answer: B) Two

  15. What is the role of the "else if" statement in C's "if-else" construct?

    A) It defines a new variable.

    B) It ends the "if-else" statement.

    C) It provides an alternative condition to check if the initial "if" condition is false.

    D) It performs bitwise operations.

    Answer: C) It provides an alternative condition to check if the initial "if" condition is false.

  16. In an "if-else" ladder with multiple "else if" conditions, what happens when one condition evaluates to true?

    A) All subsequent "else if" conditions are checked.

    B) The code inside the matching "else if" block is executed, and no further conditions are checked.

    C) The code inside the "if" block is executed.

    D) The program terminates.

    Answer: B) The code inside the matching "else if" block is executed, and no further conditions are checked.

  17. What does the "else" block in an "if-else" statement execute when all preceding conditions are false?

    A) It executes the code inside the "if" block.

    B) It executes the code inside the "else if" block.

    C) It executes the code inside the "else" block.

    D) It terminates the program.

    Answer: C) It executes the code inside the "else" block.

  18. Can you have nested "if-else" statements in C?

    A) Yes, you can nest them.

    B) No, nesting is not allowed.

    C) Nesting is allowed but not recommended.

    D) Only "if" statements can be nested, not "else" statements.

    Answer: A) Yes, you can nest them.

  19. What is the purpose of the "switch" statement in comparison to the "if-else" statement in C?

    A) The "switch" statement is used for arithmetic operations.

    B) The "switch" statement can handle more complex conditions than the "if-else" statement.

    C) The "switch" statement provides an alternative way to handle conditional branching based on a single expression.

    D) The "switch" statement is used for declaring variables.

    Answer: C) The "switch" statement provides an alternative way to handle conditional branching based on a single expression.

  20. When might you choose to use an "if-else" statement instead of a "switch" statement in C?

    A) When you need to handle multiple conditions based on the same expression.

    B) When you need to handle a single condition with multiple possible values.

    C) When you want to avoid nesting conditions.

    D) When you want to simplify code readability.

    Answer: B) When you need to handle a single condition with multiple possible values.

  21. What is the primary purpose of using nested "if-else" statements in C?

    A) To declare variables

    B) To simplify code readability

    C) To conditionally execute code blocks based on multiple levels of conditions

    D) To define functions

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute code blocks based on multiple levels of conditions

  22. In a nested "if-else" structure, what is checked first: the inner "if" condition or the outer "if" condition?

    A) The inner "if" condition

    B) The outer "if" condition

    C) Both conditions are checked simultaneously

    D) It depends on the order of placement in the code

    Answer: B) The outer "if" condition

  23. What happens if the condition in the outer "if" statement of a nested structure evaluates to false?

    A) The code in the outer "if" block is executed, and the inner "if" is skipped.

    B) The inner "if" condition is checked.

    C) The program terminates.

    D) An error is thrown.

    Answer: B) The inner "if" condition is checked.

  24. In a nested "if-else" statement, what is the purpose of the "else" block associated with the outer "if"?

    A) It handles the case when the outer "if" condition is true.

    B) It is used for declaring variables.

    C) It provides an alternative condition for the inner "if" block.

    D) It terminates the program.

    Answer: A) It handles the case when the outer "if" condition is true.

  25. How many levels of nesting can you have with "if-else" statements in C?

    A) Only one level

    B) Two levels

    C) Three levels

    D) There is no fixed limit

    Answer: D) There is no fixed limit

  26. What is the purpose of using indentation in nested "if-else" structures?

    A) To make the code look neat and organized

    B) To improve performance

    C) To indicate the end of the program

    D) To change the scope of variables

    Answer: A) To make the code look neat and organized

  27. In a deeply nested "if-else" structure, what are some potential challenges?

    A) Improved code readability

    B) Reduced complexity

    C) Difficulty in debugging and understanding the flow of execution

    D) Faster program execution

    Answer: C) Difficulty in debugging and understanding the flow of execution

  28. What is the purpose of using logical operators (e.g., && and ||) in nested "if-else" statements?

    A) To make the code more complex

    B) To create infinite loops

    C) To combine multiple conditions and control the flow of execution

    D) To declare variables

    Answer: C) To combine multiple conditions and control the flow of execution

  29. When should you consider refactoring nested "if-else" statements into separate functions?

    A) When you want to increase code complexity

    B) When the nested structure becomes too deep and hard to maintain

    C) When you want to decrease code modularity

    D) Only when using the "switch" statement

    Answer: B) When the nested structure becomes too deep and hard to maintain

  30. In a nested "if-else" structure, what is the order of evaluation for conditions?

    A) Inner conditions are evaluated first, followed by outer conditions.

    B) Outer conditions are evaluated first, followed by inner conditions.

    C) All conditions are evaluated simultaneously.

    D) It depends on the specific code implementation.

    Answer: A) Inner conditions are evaluated first, followed by outer conditions.

  31. In C programming, what is the primary purpose of using "if-else-if" statements?

    A) To declare variables

    B) To create infinite loops

    C) To conditionally execute different code blocks based on multiple conditions

    D) To define functions

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute different code blocks based on multiple conditions

  32. How does the execution flow work in an "if-else-if" ladder?

    A) It always executes the first "if" block.

    B) It executes the "if" block corresponding to the first true condition and then exits the ladder.

    C) It executes all "if" blocks regardless of the conditions.

    D) It executes the "else" block if none of the conditions are true.

    Answer: B) It executes the "if" block corresponding to the first true condition and then exits the ladder.

  33. What happens if none of the conditions in an "if-else-if" ladder are true?

    A) It throws a runtime error.

    B) It executes the "else" block.

    C) It terminates the program.

    D) It goes into an infinite loop.

    Answer: B) It executes the "else" block.

  34. In an "if-else-if" ladder, can you have multiple "else" blocks?

    A) Yes, you can have multiple "else" blocks after each "if-else-if" statement.

    B) No, you can have only one "else" block at the end.

    C) "else" blocks are not allowed in an "if-else-if" ladder.

    D) It depends on the number of conditions.

    Answer: B) No, you can have only one "else" block at the end.

  35. What is the purpose of using "else-if" clauses in an "if-else-if" ladder?

    A) To declare variables

    B) To specify alternative conditions to be checked

    C) To create a nested "if-else" structure

    D) To improve code readability

    Answer: B) To specify alternative conditions to be checked

  36. When should you use "if-else-if" statements instead of multiple independent "if" statements?

    A) When you want to execute all conditions simultaneously

    B) When you want to make the code more complex

    C) When you want to avoid evaluating multiple conditions

    D) When you want to handle exclusive and mutually exclusive conditions

    Answer: D) When you want to handle exclusive and mutually exclusive conditions

  37. What is the significance of the "else" block in an "if-else-if" ladder?

    A) It handles the case when none of the conditions are true.

    B) It is used for declaring variables.

    C) It terminates the program.

    D) It executes unconditionally.

    Answer: A) It handles the case when none of the conditions are true.

  38. Can you have an "if-else-if" ladder without an "else" block?

    A) No, every "if-else-if" ladder must have an "else" block.

    B) Yes, it is optional to include an "else" block.

    C) "if-else-if" ladders are not allowed in C programming.

    D) It depends on the number of conditions.

    Answer: B) Yes, it is optional to include an "else" block.

  39. What happens if you omit the "break" statement in a switch statement within an "if-else-if" ladder?

    A) It triggers a runtime error.

    B) It results in a compilation error.

    C) It continues to execute subsequent cases even if a match is found.

    D) It terminates the program.

    Answer: C) It continues to execute subsequent cases even if a match is found.

  40. When should you consider refactoring a complex "if-else-if" ladder into separate functions?

    A) When you want to increase code complexity

    B) When the ladder becomes too long and hard to maintain

    C) When you want to add more conditions to the ladder

    D) Only when using the "switch" statement

    Answer: B) When the ladder becomes too long and hard to maintain

  41. What is the primary purpose of the "switch-case" statement in C?

    A) To define functions

    B) To create infinite loops

    C) To conditionally execute different code blocks based on the value of an expression

    D) To declare variables

    Answer: C) To conditionally execute different code blocks based on the value of an expression

  42. Which of the following data types can be used as the expression inside a "switch-case" statement?

    A) Array

    B) Float

    C) Integer

    D) String

    Answer: C) Integer

  43. In a "switch-case" statement, what happens if none of the case values match the value of the expression?

    A) It results in a compilation error.

    B) It throws a runtime error.

    C) It executes the default case (if present) or continues with the code after the switch statement.

    D) It goes into an infinite loop.

    Answer: C) It executes the default case (if present) or continues with the code after the switch statement.

  44. Which keyword is used to define a default case in a "switch-case" statement?

    A) case

    B) break

    C) switch

    D) default

    Answer: D) default

  45. What is the purpose of the "break" statement inside a "case" block in a "switch-case" statement?

    A) It defines a new case.

    B) It terminates the switch statement.

    C) It exits the current case block and continues with the code after the switch statement.

    D) It declares a variable.

    Answer: C) It exits the current case block and continues with the code after the switch statement.

  46. In a "switch-case" statement, can you have multiple case labels with the same value?

    A) Yes, but only if they are consecutive.

    B) No, each case label must have a unique value.

    C) Yes, you can have any number of identical case labels.

    D) It depends on the compiler.

    Answer: B) No, each case label must have a unique value.

  47. What happens if you omit the "break" statement in a "case" block?

    A) It triggers a runtime error.

    B) It results in a compilation error.

    C) It continues to execute subsequent cases even if a match is found.

    D) It terminates the program.

    Answer: C) It continues to execute subsequent cases even if a match is found.

  48. In which situations is it more efficient to use a "switch-case" statement instead of multiple "if-else" statements?

    A) When dealing with floating-point numbers

    B) When there are only a few possible values to compare

    C) When you want to create nested conditions

    D) When the number of cases is unknown

    Answer: B) When there are only a few possible values to compare

  49. Can you use expressions other than constants as case labels in a "switch-case" statement?

    A) Yes, you can use any valid C expression.

    B) No, only constant values are allowed.

    C) Expressions are not allowed in case labels.

    D) It depends on the compiler settings.

    Answer: B) No, only constant values are allowed.

  50. What is the role of the "switch" keyword in a "switch-case" statement?

    A) It defines the value to be compared with the case labels.

    B) It marks the end of the "switch-case" block.

    C) It specifies the default case.

    D) It specifies the expression to be evaluated.

    Answer: D) It specifies the expression to be evaluated.