C - while vs Do-while

In C, both while loops and do-while loops are used for repetitive execution of code, but they have key differences in terms of when the loop condition is checked. Here's a comparison of while and do-while loops:

while vs do-while loop
Aspect while Loop do-while Loop
Condition Check Condition is checked before entering the loop body. Condition is checked after executing the loop body at least once.
Minimum Execution May not execute at all if the condition is false initially. Always executes the loop body at least once before checking.
Usual Use Case Typically used when you want to check the condition before the first iteration. Used when you want to ensure the loop body is executed at least once, even if the condition is false initially.
Example while (condition) { // Code } c do { // Code } while (condition);
Termination Control Termination may occur before the first iteration. Termination guaranteed after at least one iteration.
Preferred in Situations where it's not necessary for the loop to execute at all if the condition is false initially. Situations where you want to ensure the loop body runs at least once regardless of the initial condition.

This table provides a side-by-side comparison of the key differences between while and do-while loops to help you choose the appropriate loop construct for your specific programming needs.