C - goto vs return statement

Here's a comparison of the goto statement and the return statement:

goto vs return Statement
Aspect goto Statement return Statement
Purpose Used to transfer control to a labeled statement elsewhere in the code. Used to exit a function and optionally return a value to the calling code.
Scope Can jump to labeled statements within the function or even to labeled statements in different functions (though it's discouraged). Exits the current function's execution and returns control to the calling code.
Control Flow Structure Allows for arbitrary jumps in the code, potentially breaking structured control flow. Follows structured control flow and is considered a fundamental part of structured programming.
Use Cases Rarely used and often discouraged due to its potential to create complex and less readable code. Commonly used to provide results or status from a function to the caller. Essential for structured function execution.
Impact on Code Readability Tends to reduce code readability and maintainability when used extensively. Enhances code readability by clearly indicating where and how a function exits and what it returns.
Debugging Can make code harder to debug due to non-linear control flow. Easier to debug because it maintains structured control flow within a function.
Best Practices Generally discouraged in favor of structured control flow constructs. Considered fundamental to structured programming and should be used judiciously within functions.

In summary, the goto statement allows arbitrary jumps in the code and is often discouraged due to its potential to create complex and less readable code. On the other hand, the return statement is a fundamental part of structured programming, used to exit functions and return values to the calling code, and is essential for maintaining structured program flow.