Understanding the If Statement in C – For Absolute Beginners

Imagine you're teaching a robot how to make decisions. For example:

  • "If it's raining, take an umbrella."
  • "If you're hungry, eat a snack."

This is exactly how the if statement works in C programming. It helps your program make decisions based on conditions.

How Does the If Statement Work?

The if statement checks whether a condition is true or false. If true, it runs a block of code. If false, it skips it.

Basic Syntax:

if (condition) {
    // Code to run if the condition is true

Real-Life Example: Checking Exam Results

Let's say you wrote an exam, and the passing mark is 40. Your program should congratulate you only if your score is above 40.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int your_score = 75;  // Your exam score
    int passing_mark = 40;  // Minimum marks needed to pass

    printf("Checking your result...\n");

    if (your_score >= passing_mark) {
        printf("Congratulations! You passed!\n");
        printf("Your score: %d/100\n", your_score);

    printf("Result check complete.\n");
    return 0;

What Happens?

  1. The program checks if your_score (75) is greater than or equal to passing_mark (40).
  2. Since 75 >= 40 is true, it runs the code inside { } and prints:
    Congratulations! You passed!
    Your score: 75/100
  3. Finally, it prints "Result check complete." because this line is outside the if block.

What If the Condition is False?

If your score was 30 instead of 75:

int your_score = 30;  // You failed


Checking your result...
Result check complete.

The if block is skipped because 30 >= 40 is false.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

❌ Using = Instead of ==

  • = is for assignment (giving a value).
  • == is for comparison (checking if equal).


if (score = 50) { }  // This sets score to 50, not a comparison!


if (score == 50) { }  // Checks if score is 50

❌ Forgetting Braces { }

If you skip braces, only the next line is part of the if statement.


if (score > 40)
    printf("Passed!\n");  // Only this runs conditionally
    printf("Great job!\n");  // This ALWAYS runs (not part of if)


if (score > 40) {
    printf("Great job!\n");  // Both run only if true

❌ Adding a Semicolon After if

if (score > 40); {  
    printf("This always runs!");  

The semicolon (;) ends the if statement, making the { } block run always.

When Do We Use If Statements?

  • Checking passwords (if password is correct, allow login).
  • Gaming logic (if player health <= 0, game over).
  • Temperature control (if temp > 30°C, turn on AC).

Try This Yourself!

Modify the exam program to also check for distinction (score >= 80).


if (your_score >= 80) {
printf("Wow! You got a distinction!\n");

What's Next?

Now that you understand if, the next step is learning:

  • else → What happens if the condition is false?
  • else if → Checking multiple conditions.

Read our next guide on If-Else Statements →


  • if helps make decisions in code.
  • ✅ It runs code only if the condition is true.
  • ✅ Avoid common mistakes like = vs == and missing braces.
  • ✅ Used in games, apps, and real-world devices.

Now, try writing your own if statement!