C - Difference between if and switch-case

The primary differences between the "if statement" (if-else or if-else if) and the "switch-case" (switch) statement in C are related to their usage, structure, and behavior:

  1. Usage:
    • 'if-else': Used when you need to test multiple conditions sequentially, and the conditions are complex or involve logical expressions. It is also suitable for handling non-integral values.
    • 'switch': Used when you need to compare a single expression to multiple distinct values, especially when you have a small, fixed set of options.
  2. Structure:
    • 'if-else': Consists of one or more if statements followed by optional else if and an optional else statement. It handles conditions sequentially.
    • 'switch': Consists of a single switch statement followed by multiple case labels and an optional default label. It allows you to compare the expression with different values directly.
  3. Complexity:
    • 'if-else': Provides flexibility for handling complex conditions and expressions, making it suitable for situations where conditions are not easily reduced to simple value comparisons.
    • 'switch': Simplifies the code when dealing with a fixed set of discrete values, making it more concise and efficient for such scenarios.
  4. Comparison Method:
    • 'if-else': Compares conditions using relational operators (e.g., <, >, ==, &&, ||) and can involve complex expressions.
    • 'switch': Directly compares the value of an expression to constant values (integral or enumerations) using case labels.
  5. Fallthrough Behavior:
    • 'if-else': Each condition is evaluated sequentially, and once a true condition is found and its block of code is executed, the program exits the if-else structure.
    • 'switch': Once a matching case label is found, its block of code is executed, and unless a break statement is used, execution falls through to subsequent case labels. This behavior can be both an advantage and a source of bugs if not handled properly.
  6. Efficiency:
    • 'if-else': May result in slightly slower performance for large numbers of conditions because it evaluates conditions sequentially.
    • 'switch': Often more efficient, especially for a large number of conditions, as it directly maps values to code blocks without the need for sequential evaluation.

In summary, the choice between if-else and switch-case depends on the specific requirements of your code. Use if-else for handling complex conditions and when conditions involve logical expressions. Use switch-case when comparing a single expression to a fixed set of distinct values, especially when you want to optimize for readability and efficiency in scenarios with multiple cases.