Is it possible to run C# class without 'Main' method?

No, it is not possible to run a C# class without a 'Main' method. In C#, the 'Main' method serves as the entry point for the program. It is the starting point where the execution begins. When you run a C# application, the runtime looks for the 'Main' method to start executing the code.

The 'Main' method has a specific signature:

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Program code goes here

The 'Main' method must be declared as 'static' and have a return type of void. It may accept command-line arguments as an array of strings ('string[] args') if needed.

Without a 'Main' method, the program would not have a designated starting point, and the runtime would not know where to begin the execution. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a 'Main' method in a C# class for it to be executed as a standalone application.