C# - Generic Constraints

In C#, when defining generic types or methods, you can use constraints to specify the kinds of types that are allowed as type arguments. These constraints allow you to define operations and relationships on the generic type parameters, enabling you to create more flexible and safe generic code. Here are the different types of constraints you can use in C#:

1. Reference/Value Types Constraint

In C#, generics allow us to work with type parameters, which means the type is specified at the time of instantiation or usage, rather than when we initially write the class, method, delegate, or interface. However, sometimes we might want to limit the kind of types that can be passed to a generic type or method. That's where constraints come into play.

The class and struct constraints are used to specify that a type parameter must be a reference type or a value type, respectively.

1.1 Reference Type (class constraint)

When you use the class constraint, you're specifying that the type parameter must be a reference type. This includes any class, interface, delegate, or array type. It does not include value types or nullable value types.

Here's an example to illustrate the reference type constraint:

using System;

public class GenericClass<T> where T : class
    private T data;

    public GenericClass(T value)
        data = value;

    public void DisplayData()

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        GenericClass<string> stringInstance = new GenericClass<string>("Hello, World!");

        // The following line would be an error, because int is a value type, not a reference type.
        // GenericClass<int> intInstance = new GenericClass<int>(123);

When you run the above code, the output will be:

Hello, World!

As you can see, you can use a string (which is a reference type) with the GenericClass but you can't use int (which is a value type). The comment in the example shows what would happen if you tried – it'd be a compile-time error.

1.2 Value Type (struct constraint)

The value type constraint in C# restricts a type parameter to be a value type. This includes any struct type but excludes any reference type. In C#, this is accomplished using the struct keyword as a constraint.

Here's an example to illustrate the value type constraint:

We'll create a generic class named GenericValueType that only accepts value types. The class will have a method to display the value.

public class GenericValueType<T> where T : struct
    private T data;

    public GenericValueType(T value)
        data = value;

    public void DisplayData()
        Console.WriteLine($"Data: {data}");

Now, let's use this class in our main program. We'll create an instance using an int (which is a value type) and another one using a double. We'll also show what happens when you try to use a reference type, like a string.

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Using int (a value type)
        GenericValueType<int> intInstance = new GenericValueType<int>(42);

        // Using double (a value type)
        GenericValueType<double> doubleInstance = new GenericValueType<double>(42.42);

        // The following line would be an error, because string is a reference type, not a value type.
        // GenericValueType<string> stringInstance = new GenericValueType<string>("Hello");

When you run the program, the output will be:

Data: 42
Data: 42.42

As seen in the example, you can use both int and double with the GenericValueType because they are value types. But you cannot use string since it is a reference type, and attempting to do so would result in a compile-time error.

2. Base Class Constraint

In C#, when working with generics, you can apply a constraint to a type parameter specifying that it must be derived from a particular base class. This constraint ensures that only types derived from the specified base class (or the base class itself) can be used as type arguments for the generic type or method.

Syntax for the Base Class Constraint:

public class MyClass<T> where T : MyBaseClass
    // ...

In the syntax above, where T : MyBaseClass indicates that T must be a type that derives from MyBaseClass.


Suppose we have a base class called Shape, and we want to create a generic class that operates on shapes. We can apply the base class constraint to ensure that only types derived from Shape can be used as type arguments.

public class Shape
    public virtual void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a shape.");

public class Circle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle.");

public class Square : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a square.");

public class ShapeDrawer<T> where T : Shape
    private T _shape;

    public ShapeDrawer(T shape)
        _shape = shape;

    public void DrawShape()

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create a Circle and a Square
        var circle = new Circle();
        var square = new Square();

        // Create ShapeDrawer instances for Circle and Square
        var circleDrawer = new ShapeDrawer<Circle>(circle);
        var squareDrawer = new ShapeDrawer<Square>(square);

        // Draw the shapes
        circleDrawer.DrawShape(); // Draws a circle.
        squareDrawer.DrawShape(); // Draws a square.

In this example, the ShapeDrawer<T> class takes a type parameter T with a constraint that T must be derived from Shape. This constraint ensures that only shapes (or derived types) can be used with the ShapeDrawer class.

The expected output of the program is:

Drawing a circle.
Drawing a square.

The circleDrawer.DrawShape(); line calls the Draw method of the Circle class and the squareDrawer.DrawShape(); line calls the Draw method of the Square class, producing the above output.

By applying the base class constraint, you can create more specialized generic classes and methods that work with a specific hierarchy of related types, ensuring type safety and adherence to the desired inheritance structure.

3. Interface Constraint

In C#, the interface constraint is used to specify that a type parameter for a generic class, method, delegate, or interface must implement a particular interface. This constraint ensures that only types that implement the specified interface can be used as type arguments.

Syntax for the Interface Constraint:

public class MyClass<T> where T : IMyInterface
    // ...

In the syntax above, where T : IMyInterface indicates that T must be a type that implements the IMyInterface interface.


Let's create an example where we have an interface called ILogger representing a logger and a generic class LoggerService<TLogger> that logs messages using a logger of a specific type. We'll use the interface constraint to ensure that only logger types implementing ILogger can be used as type arguments.

using System;

public interface ILogger
    void Log(string message);

public class ConsoleLogger : ILogger
    public void Log(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Logged to console: {message}");

public class FileLogger : ILogger
    public void Log(string message)
        // Simulate logging to a file
        Console.WriteLine($"Logged to file: {message}");

public class LoggerService<TLogger> where TLogger : ILogger
    private TLogger _logger;

    public LoggerService(TLogger logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public void LogMessage(string message)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create instances of logger types
        var consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
        var fileLogger = new FileLogger();

        // Use LoggerService with different logger types
        var consoleLoggerService = new LoggerService<ConsoleLogger>(consoleLogger);
        var fileLoggerService = new LoggerService<FileLogger>(fileLogger);

        // Log messages
        consoleLoggerService.LogMessage("This is a console log message.");
        fileLoggerService.LogMessage("This is a file log message.");

In this example, the LoggerService<TLogger> class takes a type parameter TLogger with a constraint that TLogger must implement the ILogger interface. This constraint ensures that only logger types that can log messages (implementing ILogger) can be used with LoggerService. The code demonstrates using different logger implementations with the LoggerService class.

In the Main method, you're creating instances of both ConsoleLogger and FileLogger. Then, you're creating LoggerService instances for both loggers. Finally, you're logging messages using both logger services.

The expected output of the program is:

Logged to console: This is a console log message.
Logged to file: This is a file log message.

The consoleLoggerService.LogMessage("This is a console log message."); line uses the ConsoleLogger to log the message to the console, while the fileLoggerService.LogMessage("This is a file log message."); line uses the FileLogger to simulate logging to a file (though in this code it just writes to the console for demonstration purposes).

By applying the interface constraint, you can create more flexible and generic components that work with any type that implements a specific interface, ensuring that the required functionality is available for the type parameter.

4. Constructor Constraint

In C#, the constructor constraint is used to specify that a type parameter for a generic class or method must have a public parameterless constructor. This constraint ensures that only types with a parameterless constructor can be used as type arguments.

By applying the constructor constraint, it allows for the creation of new instances of the type argument within the generic class or method.

Syntax for the Constructor Constraint:

public class MyClass<T> where T : new()
    // ...

In the syntax above, where T : new() indicates that T must be a type that has a public parameterless constructor (i.e., it can be instantiated using new T()).

Imagine you are building a repository class to manage entities. This repository has a method to create a new instance of an entity. In such a case, you might want to ensure that the entity type has a parameterless constructor so that you can instantiate it.

using System;

public interface IEntity
    int Id { get; set; }

public class User : IEntity
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class Repository<T> where T : IEntity, new()
    public T CreateNewEntity()
        T entity = new T();
        Console.WriteLine($"New instance of {typeof(T).Name} created!");
        return entity;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Repository<User> userRepository = new Repository<User>();

        User newUser = userRepository.CreateNewEntity();
        newUser.Name = "Alice";
        Console.WriteLine($"User Name: {newUser.Name}");


New instance of User created!
User Name: Alice

In this example:

  • We've defined an IEntity interface, which will be implemented by all entities.
  • The User class is a simple representation of an entity with an Id and a Name.
  • The Repository<T> class is a generic repository, where T should be a type that implements the IEntity interface and has a parameterless constructor (new() constraint).
  • The CreateNewEntity method in the Repository<T> class will create and return a new instance of the entity.

In the Main method, we're demonstrating the use of the Repository<User> to create a new user. The output shows that the user has been created and its name has been set to "Alice".

5. Unmanaged Constraint

The unmanaged constraint in C# is used to restrict a type parameter in a generic class or method to only accept unmanaged types. Unmanaged types are typically simple value types that do not contain any references to managed objects or other complex data structures. Examples of unmanaged types include primitive data types like int, float, char, and simple structs.

Syntax for the Unmanaged Constraint:

public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : unmanaged
    // ...

In the syntax above, where T : unmanaged specifies that the type parameter T must be an unmanaged type.


Let's create an example that uses the unmanaged constraint with a generic class MathUtility<T>, which provides a method for performing a mathematical operation on two values of type T. We will constrain T to unmanaged types, ensuring that only simple value types can be used.

using System;

public class MathUtility<T> where T : unmanaged
    public T Add(T a, T b)
        return (dynamic)a + (dynamic)b;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var intMath = new MathUtility<int>();
        var floatMath = new MathUtility<float>();

        int result1 = intMath.Add(5, 3);        // Result: 8
        float result2 = floatMath.Add(2.5f, 3.7f); // Result: 6.2f

        Console.WriteLine("Integer Result: " + result1);
        Console.WriteLine("Float Result: " + result2);

In this example, we have created a MathUtility<T> generic class with a method Add that performs addition. The where T : unmanaged constraint ensures that only unmanaged types, such as int and float, can be used as type arguments for this class. The code demonstrates using the MathUtility class with both int and float types.

In the Main method, we are creating two instances of MathUtility<T> - one for int and one for float. We then perform addition for these types and print the results.

Expected Output:

Integer Result: 8
Float Result: 6.2

Here's the breakdown:

  • For the integer addition, 5 + 3 gives 8.
  • For the float addition, 2.5f + 3.7f gives 6.2f.

The dynamic keyword is used to allow the addition of values of different numeric types. However, it's important to note that using dynamic may lead to runtime type errors if types with incompatible operations are used. In practice, you might want to use more specific constraints or checks depending on your needs.

The unmanaged constraint is useful when you want to ensure that your generic code works with simple value types that don't involve complex memory management or references, providing a level of type safety and performance optimization.

6. Naked Type Constraint in C#

7. Notnull Constraint in C#

8. Multiple Constraints in C#

In C#, you can apply multiple constraints to a generic type parameter in order to specify a combination of requirements that must be met by the type argument used for that parameter. Multiple constraints allow you to define more precise conditions for the type argument, enabling you to work with specific types that meet those conditions. You can apply multiple constraints using the where clause when defining a generic class, method, or delegate.

Syntax for Multiple Constraints:

public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : Constraint1, Constraint2, ...
    // ...

In the syntax above, you can specify multiple constraints separated by commas (Constraint1, Constraint2, ...). The type argument T must satisfy all the specified constraints.

Imagine you're building a system where you have entities that need to be stored and serialized to a string format. In this system:

  1. Every entity implements an IEntity interface, which provides an ID.
  2. Entities can be serialized to a string, so they should also implement the ISerializable interface.

You want to create a generic utility that can save any entity that adheres to both of these criteria.

using System;

// Define the interfaces
public interface IEntity
    int Id { get; set; }

public interface ISerializable
    string Serialize();

// Create a User entity that implements both IEntity and ISerializable
public class User : IEntity, ISerializable
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Serialize()
        return $"ID: {Id}, Name: {Name}";

public class EntitySaver<T> where T : IEntity, ISerializable
    public void Save(T entity)
        // Here, we're just simulating a save operation by printing
        Console.WriteLine($"Saving entity with ID: {entity.Id}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Serialized data: {entity.Serialize()}");

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var user = new User { Id = 101, Name = "Alice" };
        var saver = new EntitySaver<User>();


Saving entity with ID: 101
Serialized data: ID: 101, Name: Alice

- The IEntity interface defines entities that have an ID.
- The ISerializable interface defines objects that can be serialized to a string.
- The User class implements both interfaces, so it can be used as an argument to our generic utility.
- The EntitySaver<T> class is a generic utility that can save entities. The type parameter T is constrained to be of types that implement both IEntity and ISerializable.

In the Main method, we create a user and then use the EntitySaver<User> to save this user. The output shows the ID and serialized form of the user. This ensures that the type provided to EntitySaver adheres to both the IEntity and ISerializable interfaces, due to the multiple constraints.