C# - Enum or Enumeration

In C#, an "enum" (short for enumeration) is a user-defined data type that consists of a set of named integral constants. Enums provide a way to define a list of related values with human-readable names, making the code more readable and maintainable. Each constant within an enum has an underlying integer value, and these values are assigned automatically, starting from 0 by default, unless specified otherwise.


using System;

class Program
    // Define an enum named 'DaysOfWeek' with days of the week as constants.
    enum DaysOfWeek
        Sunday,    // Assigned value 0
        Monday,    // Assigned value 1
        Tuesday,   // Assigned value 2
        Wednesday, // Assigned value 3
        Thursday,  // Assigned value 4
        Friday,    // Assigned value 5
        Saturday   // Assigned value 6

    static void Main()
        // Access enum values and assign them to variables.
        DaysOfWeek today = DaysOfWeek.Wednesday;
        DaysOfWeek anotherDay = DaysOfWeek.Friday;

        // Output the values of the variables.
        Console.WriteLine("Today is " + today);
        Console.WriteLine("Another day is " + anotherDay);

        // Enum to integer conversion.
        int todayValue = (int)today;
        Console.WriteLine("Value of today (as integer): " + todayValue);

        // Integer to enum conversion.
        DaysOfWeek convertedDay = (DaysOfWeek)3;
        Console.WriteLine("Converted day: " + convertedDay);


Today is Wednesday
Another day is Friday
Value of today (as integer): 3
Converted day: Wednesday

In this example:

  • We define an enum named DaysOfWeek with constants for each day of the week. By default, Sunday is assigned the value 0, and the values increment sequentially.
  • In the Main method, we create variables of the DaysOfWeek type (today and anotherDay) and assign enum values to them.
  • We output the values of these variables, which will display the day names.
  • We also demonstrate how to convert an enum value to an integer (todayValue) and an integer to an enum value (convertedDay). Enum values can be cast to integers and vice versa.

Enums are useful for scenarios where you have a fixed set of related values, such as days of the week, months, or any other situation where a defined list of options is needed. They improve code clarity and help prevent errors by using meaningful names instead of arbitrary integer values.

Common Enum Methods and Properties


  1. Enum.GetName: Returns the name of an enum constant as a string, given its enum type and value.
  2. Enum.GetNames: Returns an array of strings containing the names of all the enum constants in the specified enum type.
  3. Enum.GetValues: Returns an array of the values of all the enum constants in the specified enum type.
  4. Enum.IsDefined: Determines whether a specified value exists in the enum type. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the value is a valid enum constant.


  1. Enum.Name: Gets the name of the enum constant as a string.
  2. Enum.Value: Gets the integral value of the enum constant.
  3. Enum.GetUnderlyingType: Gets the underlying integral type of the enum. This property returns the type, such as `int`, `byte`, or `long`, that is used to store the values of the enum constants.
  4. Enum.HasFlag: Checks whether the enum value contains a specific flag (used with enums marked with the `[Flags]` attribute). It returns a boolean indicating whether the specified flag is set in the enum value.
  5. Enum.GetCustomAttributes: Retrieves an array of custom attributes applied to an enum value. This can be useful for retrieving additional metadata associated with enum constants.
  6. Enum.IsDefined (as a property): Gets a boolean value indicating whether a specified value exists in the enum type.

These methods and properties allow you to work with enums in C#, inspect their values, retrieve their names, and perform various operations on enum values. They are helpful for tasks such as data validation, serialization, and dynamic enum handling.

Points to Remember:
  1. Definition: An enum (short for enumeration) is a user-defined data type used to represent a set of named integral constants.
  2. Values: Enum constants are named values that represent meaningful options or states. They are typically used to improve code readability.
  3. Underlying Type: Enums have an underlying integral type (e.g., `int`, `byte`) that determines the type of value associated with each enum constant.
  4. Default Values: Enum constants are assigned default values starting from 0 for the first constant, and the subsequent constants increment by 1 unless specified otherwise.
  5. Explicit Values: You can assign specific integral values to enum constants. These values can be of the same or different data types.
  6. Implicit Casting: Enum constants can be implicitly cast to their underlying integral type and vice versa.
  7. Enhanced Readability: Enums make code more readable by using descriptive names for constants instead of raw numeric values.
  8. Enum Members: Enum members (constants) are accessed using the enum type name followed by the member name (e.g., `DaysOfWeek.Monday`).
  9. Iterating Enums: You can iterate through the values of an enum using a loop or by using the `Enum.GetValues` method.
  10. Enum as Flags: Enums can be marked with the `[Flags]` attribute, allowing them to represent bitwise flags and support bitwise operations.
  11. Validation: Enums are often used for input validation to ensure that a variable's value falls within a specific set of options.
  12. Switch Statements: Enums are commonly used in switch statements to handle different cases based on their values.
  13. Custom Attributes: You can associate custom attributes with enum members to store additional metadata.
  14. String to Enum: You can convert a string to an enum value using methods like `Enum.Parse` and `Enum.TryParse`.
  15. Enum Format: Enums can be formatted as strings using the `ToString` method, which returns the name of the enum constant.
  16. Enum vs. Constants: Enums are preferred over constant values when dealing with a set of related options because they offer type safety and maintainability.
  17. Documentation: Document the purpose and usage of enums in code comments to make their meaning clear to other developers.
  18. Error Handling: Handle invalid enum values gracefully, especially when parsing from external sources, to prevent runtime errors.
  19. Avoid Duplicate Values: Ensure that enum constants have unique values within the same enum type.
  20. Compatibility: Be aware of the underlying type's range limitations when defining enum values.
  21. Testing: Test your code thoroughly, especially when working with enums to ensure that they behave as expected.