C# - Prove that string is immutable

In C#, strings are indeed immutable. Let's prove this by examining some key aspects of string manipulation in C#.

1. String Creation:

In C#, when you create a string, it cannot be modified after it's created. Strings are instances of the System.String class. Here's how you create a string:

string originalString = "Hello, world!";

2. Concatenation:

If you want to concatenate strings, the operation does not modify the original string. Instead, it creates a new string that represents the concatenated result:

string newString = originalString + " Welcome!";

In this example, originalString remains unchanged, and newString contains the concatenated result.

3. Substring:

If you extract a substring from an existing string, it also results in a new string, leaving the original string unaltered:

string subString = originalString.Substring(0, 5); // "Hello"

Here, subString is a new string that contains "Hello," but originalString is still "Hello, world!".

4. String Methods:

Methods that appear to modify a string actually return a new string with the desired changes. For instance, if you want to make all characters uppercase:

string upperCaseString = originalString.ToUpper();

Again, originalString remains unchanged.

5. Comparing References:

You can verify the immutability of strings by comparing references using the ReferenceEquals method. If two strings are equal, but one is modified, they will not reference the same object:

string str1 = "immutable";
string str2 = str1; // Both reference the same string object

str2 += " example"; // Modifying str2
bool areEqualReferences = ReferenceEquals(str1, str2); // false

areEqualReferences will be false because str1 and str2 reference different string objects after the modification.

In conclusion, the immutability of strings in C# ensures that once a string is created, it cannot be modified. Any operation that seems to modify a string results in the creation of a new string, leaving the original string unchanged. This property is important for data consistency and reliability in C# programs.