C# - Stack<T>

A Stack<T> in C# is a collection class that represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure. It's part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace and is commonly used to implement various algorithms and data manipulation operations. Here's an overview of Stack<T>:

A Stack follows the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) principle. The last element placed on the stack becomes the first one to be removed..

You add elements to a Stack<T> using the Push method. This Push method adds elements on the top of the stack.

You remove elements from the Stack<T> using the Pop method. The element which was added in the last is removed and returned from stack.

Stack Characteristics:

Here are some key characteristics of the Stack<T> class in C#:

  1. 'Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Behavior': The fundamental characteristic of a Stack<T> is that it follows the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) principle. The last element added (Pushed) to the stack will be the first one removed (popped) from the stack.
  2. 'Push and Pop Operations': You can add elements to the top of the stack using the Push method and remove elements from the top using the Po method.
  3. 'Peek Operation': The Peek method allows you to look at the top element of the stack without removing it.
  4. 'No Indexing': Unlike arrays or lists, you don't access elements in a Stack<T> by index. You interact with the top element using Push, pop, and peek operations.
  5. 'Count Property': The Count property indicates the number of elements currently in the stack.
  6. 'Generic Type': The Stack<T> class is a generic class, meaning you can use it to store elements of any data type.
  7. 'Efficient for LIFO Operations': Stacks are particularly efficient for adding and removing elements from the top. However, accessing elements lower down the stack (not the top) requires popping off elements until you reach the desired element.
  8. 'Implementation': Internally, the Stack<T> class uses an array to store its elements, but it abstracts away the details of array management.
  9. 'No Direct Access to Other Elements': While you can access the top element efficiently, accessing elements in the middle or bottom of the stack would require popping elements off the top, which may not be efficient for large stacks.
  10. 'Use Cases': Stacks are commonly used for tasks such as managing method call history (call stack), implementing undo/redo functionality, and solving problems that require backtracking or tracking a sequence of events in reverse order.
  11. 'Limitations': Stacks are not well-suited for tasks that involve accessing elements in arbitrary order or searching for elements, as these operations are not efficient with stacks.
  12. 'Memory Allocation': When the stack grows beyond its initial capacity, a new internal array is allocated and the elements are copied to the new array, which may involve memory allocation and copying overhead.

Keep in mind that a Stack<T> is used when the sequence of adding and taking away items is important, and the items put in last are the ones most likely needed for checking or working on.

'Stack<T>' Class and Usage:

The Stack<T> class in C# is part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace and provides a collection that follows the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) principle. It's commonly used for tasks where you need to manage elements in a way that the last added element is the first to be removed.

1. Pushing Elements onto the Stack:

The Push method is used to add an element onto the top of the stack. Here's an example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Stack<string> colors = new Stack<string>();

        // Push elements onto the stack

        Console.WriteLine("Colors pushed onto the stack:");
        foreach (string color in colors)

In this example, we create a Stack<string> named colors and use the Push method to add three color strings onto the stack. The way things are put into the "stack" decides their order, with "Green" being at the top.

2. Popping Elements from the Stack:

The Pop method is used to remove and return the top element from the stack. Here's an example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Stack<int> numbers = new Stack<int>();

        // Push elements onto the stack

        // Pop elements from the stack
        int poppedValue1 = numbers.Pop();
        int poppedValue2 = numbers.Pop();

        Console.WriteLine($"Popped value 1: {poppedValue1}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Popped value 2: {poppedValue2}");

In this example, we create a Stack<int> named numbers, push three integer values onto the stack, and then use the Pop method to remove the top two elements. The values that are popped will be shown, with "15" being the first one to be popped.

Remember that if the stack is empty and we use Pop on this stack will result in an InvalidOperationException. To avoid this, you can check the Count property before popping:

if (stack.Count > 0)
    var poppedItem = stack.Pop();
    Console.WriteLine($"Popped item: {poppedItem}");
    Console.WriteLine("Stack is empty.");

Keep in mind that the Push and Pop operations in a Stack<T> follow the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) behavior, in this case, the item you added last will be the first one to be taken out..

3. Peek in 'Stack<T>':

The Peek operation in the Stack<T> class allows you to retrieve the top element from the stack without actually removing it. It's a way to examine the element that's currently on top of the stack. Here's how you can use the Peek method:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Stack<string> colors = new Stack<string>();

        // Push elements onto the stack

        // Peek at the top element
        string topColor = colors.Peek();
        Console.WriteLine($"Top color: {topColor}");

        // The stack remains unchanged
        Console.WriteLine("Stack after peeking:");
        foreach (string color in colors)

The given C# program uses a Stack<string> to store and manipulate a stack of colors. Here's what the output will look like:

Top color: Green
Stack after peeking:

Here's a step-by-step explanation of the program's execution:

  1. Three colors ("Red", "Blue", and "Green") are pushed onto the stack in that order.
  2. The Peek() method is used to retrieve the top element of the stack, which is "Green". This value is stored in the topColor variable.
  3. The program then prints "Top color: Green" to the console, displaying the color at the top of the stack.
  4. Finally, the program prints "Stack after peeking:" and iterates through the elements in the colors stack. Since the Peek() method does not remove elements from the stack, the stack remains unchanged, and it prints the colors in the order they were originally pushed onto the stack: "Green", "Blue", and "Red".

The Peek function is good for looking at the top item of a stack before you decide what to do next. It doesn't change the stack, unlike the Pop function that takes away the top item.

Keep in mind that calling Peek on an empty stack will cause an InvalidOperationException. To avoid this, you can check the Count property before peeking:

if (stack.Count > 0)
    var topItem = stack.Peek();
    Console.WriteLine($"Top item: {topItem}");
    Console.WriteLine("Stack is empty.");

The Peek operation is a useful way to gain information about the element currently at the top of the stack without altering the stack's state.

4. Implementing Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Behavior with example:

Let's implement a basic example of Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) behavior using the Stack<T> class in C#. In this example, we'll mimic a basic browser history. Every time a user visits a website, we add that website to a list. When the user wants to go back to a previous site, we take them to the most recently URL which is popped from the stack.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Stack<string> browserHistory = new Stack<string>();

        // Simulate browsing history
        VisitPage(browserHistory, "https://www.example.com");
        VisitPage(browserHistory, "https://www.example.com/articles");
        VisitPage(browserHistory, "https://www.example.com/contact");

        // User clicks the "Back" button
        string previousPage = GoBack(browserHistory);
        Console.WriteLine($"User navigated back to: {previousPage}");

        // User clicks the "Back" button again
        previousPage = GoBack(browserHistory);
        Console.WriteLine($"User navigated back to: {previousPage}");

    static void VisitPage(Stack<string> history, string url)
        Console.WriteLine($"Visiting: {url}");

    static string GoBack(Stack<string> history)
        if (history.Count > 0)
            return history.Pop();
            return "No previous page";

In this example:

  1. We create a Stack<string> named browserHistory to simulate the browser history.
  2. The VisitPage method is used to simulate visiting a page. The URL is pushed onto the stack.
  3. The GoBack method is used to simulate clicking the "Back" button in the browser. It pops the most recent URL from the stack.
  4. We simulate visiting three pages and then going back twice, showing the URLs as the user navigates back.

The output will resemble:

Visiting: https://www.example.com
Visiting: https://www.example.com/articles
Visiting: https://www.example.com/contact
User navigated back to: https://www.example.com/articles
User navigated back to: https://www.example.com

This example illustrates the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) behavior of the Stack<T> class. The most recent URLs added to the stack are the first ones to be popped when the user navigates back.

5. Methods and Properties of Stack<T>

Here are some of the commonly used methods and properties of the Stack<T> class in C#:

  1. Push(T item): Adds the specified item to the top of the stack.
  2. Pop(): Removes and returns the item from the top of the stack. If the stack is empty, this method throws an InvalidOperationException.
  3. Peek(): Returns the item from the top of the stack without removing it. If the stack is empty, this method throws an InvalidOperationException.
  4. Clear(): Removes all items from the stack, leaving it empty.
  5. Contains(T item): Checks if the stack contains a specific item. Returns true if found, false otherwise.
  6. ToArray(): Copies the items of the stack to a new array, preserving their order.
  1. Count: Gets the number of items currently in the stack. It can be used to determine the current size of the stack.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of these methods and properties:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Stack colors = new Stack();

        // Push elements onto the stack

        // Pop elements from the stack
        string popped1 = colors.Pop();
        string popped2 = colors.Pop();

        // Peek at the top element
        string peeked = colors.Peek();

        // Check if the stack contains a specific value
        bool containsBlue = colors.Contains("Blue");

        // Display the count of elements in the stack
        int count = colors.Count;

        Console.WriteLine($"Popped 1: {popped1}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Popped 2: {popped2}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Peeked: {peeked}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Stack contains Blue: {containsBlue}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Number of elements in the stack: {count}");

Here's the output of the provided C# program:

Popped 1: Green
Popped 2: Blue
Peeked: Red
Stack contains Blue: False
Number of elements in the stack: 1

In this C# program, we're working with a stack to manage a collection of colors. Here's a breakdown of what happens:

  1. We initially push three colors ("Red," "Blue," and "Green") onto the stack in that order.
  2. We then perform two "pop" operations to remove elements from the stack. "Popped 1" shows the color "Green" that was removed first, and "Popped 2" shows "Blue," the second color removed.
  3. The "peek" operation is used to look at the top element of the stack without removing it. "Peeked" displays the color "Red," which is the top element after the two pop operations.
  4. We check if the stack contains the color "Blue" using the "Contains" method. In this case, it returns "False" because we've already removed "Blue" from the stack.
  5. Finally, we display the number of elements left in the stack, which is "1" because only "Red" remains.

This program demonstrates basic stack operations in C# for managing and manipulating a collection of elements.