C# - lock statement

In C#, the lock statement is used to ensure that a block of code is executed by only one thread at a time. It helps prevent multiple threads from accessing shared resources simultaneously, which can lead to data corruption or unexpected behavior in a multithreaded application.

The general syntax of the lock statement is as follows:

lock (lockObject)
    // Code block that needs to be executed in a mutually exclusive manner

Here's a simple example that illustrates how to use the lock statement in C#:

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static readonly object lockObject = new object();
    static int sharedVariable = 0;

    static void Main()
        // Create two threads that will increment the shared variable
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(IncrementSharedVariable);
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(IncrementSharedVariable);

        // Start both threads

        // Wait for both threads to finish

        // Display the final value of the shared variable
        Console.WriteLine("Shared Variable: " + sharedVariable);

    static void IncrementSharedVariable()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            // Use the lock statement to ensure only one thread can access this block at a time
            lock (lockObject)

In this example:

  1. We define a lockObject as a synchronization object to ensure exclusive access to the critical section of code.
  2. We have a sharedVariable that will be incremented by two threads.
  3. We create two threads (thread1 and thread2) that both execute the IncrementSharedVariable method.
  4. Inside the IncrementSharedVariable method, we use the lock statement with lockObject to protect the sharedVariable from concurrent access. This means that only one thread can enter the critical section at a time.
  5. Each thread increments the sharedVariable 100,000 times within the critical section.
  6. After both threads have finished their work, we display the final value of the sharedVariable. Since the lock statement ensures exclusive access, the final value should be 200,000 (100,000 increments from each thread).

Possible Output:

Shared Variable: 200000

This demonstrates how the lock statement helps prevent data corruption when multiple threads access shared resources concurrently.

Using the Lock Statement in C# - Office Printer Example

Let's explore a real-time example of using the lock statement in C# to manage access to a shared printer in an office.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class OfficePrinter
    static readonly object printerLock = new object(); // Our lock, like the printer access control

    static void Main()
        // Simulate multiple employees (threads) sending print jobs
        Thread employee1 = new Thread(SendPrintJob);
        Thread employee2 = new Thread(SendPrintJob);

        employee1.Start("Employee 1: Report");
        employee2.Start("Employee 2: Presentation");

    static void SendPrintJob(object document)
        string job = (string)document;

        lock (printerLock) // Similar to locking access to the printer
            Console.WriteLine(job + " is being printed...");

            // Simulate printing process

            Console.WriteLine(job + " has been printed.");

In this example:

  1. We have a printerLock, which is like the lock on the printer access control. It ensures that only one employee (thread) can send a print job to the printer at a time.
  2. We simulate two employees (employee1 and employee2) sending print jobs concurrently by starting two threads.
  3. Inside the SendPrintJob method, when an employee wants to send a print job (enters the lock block), they "lock" access to the printer (acquire the lock) to prevent other employees from sending print jobs simultaneously.
  4. While an employee's print job is being processed (inside the lock block), other employees have to wait for their turn to use the printer.
  5. After the first print job is completed (the lock is released), the next employee can send their print job, and the process repeats.

Expected Output:

Employee 1: Report is being printed...
Employee 2: Presentation is being printed...
Employee 1: Report has been printed.
Employee 2: Presentation has been printed.

This example demonstrates how the lock statement in C# ensures that only one thread can access a critical section of code (in this case, sending a print job to the printer) at a time, preventing conflicts and ensuring orderly access to shared resources.

Points to Remember:
  1. Thread Synchronization: The lock statement is used for thread synchronization, protecting critical sections of code from being accessed by multiple threads simultaneously.
  2. Object-Based Locking: It requires an object (often called a "lock object" or "monitor") to serve as the synchronization lock, ensuring exclusive access to the locked code block.
  3. Prevents Race Conditions: It helps prevent race conditions where multiple threads attempt to access and modify shared resources concurrently, which can lead to data corruption or unpredictable behavior.
  4. Scope of Lock: Keep the locked code block as small as possible to minimize contention and improve performance, enclosing only the code that truly needs protection.
  5. Exception Handling: Always use the try...finally construct with the lock statement to ensure the lock is released, even in case of exceptions within the locked code block.
  6. Deadlocks: Be cautious about potential deadlocks, which can occur when multiple threads are waiting for each other to release locks. Proper design and usage of locks can help avoid deadlocks.
  7. Lock Object Consistency: Use the same lock object consistently by all threads that need to access the shared resource to ensure proper synchronization.
  8. Avoid Overuse: While locks are essential for managing shared resources, excessive use can lead to performance issues, so use them judiciously.
  9. Monitor.Exit: The lock statement is a syntactic sugar for Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit calls. You can manually release a lock using Monitor.Exit(lockObject) if needed.
  10. Nested Locks: Be cautious when using nested locks, as locking on the same object within a locked block can lead to deadlocks. Consider alternatives like separate lock objects.
  11. Lock-Free Algorithms: In some cases, lock-free data structures or algorithms may be more efficient and eliminate the need for locks while ensuring thread safety.
  12. Performance Considerations: Locking can introduce contention and affect performance. Profiling and optimizing your code are important to avoid bottlenecks when using locks.
  13. Thread Safety: The lock statement is a fundamental way to achieve thread safety in multithreaded applications, but it's crucial to design your application with thread safety in mind from the beginning.
  14. Alternative Synchronization: Depending on your specific use case, other synchronization primitives like Mutex, Semaphore, and ReaderWriterLock might be more suitable than lock.
  15. Testing and Debugging: Thoroughly test and debug your multithreaded code to identify and resolve synchronization issues early in the development process.