C# Covariance and Contravariance

1. Covariance

Covariance is a concept in computer programming and type systems, particularly in languages with inheritance and polymorphism, such as object-oriented programming languages. It refers to the relationship between types when dealing with inheritance hierarchies.

In the context of programming, covariance typically arises when working with types and their subtypes, where a subtype is derived from a supertype. More specifically, covariance allows for the substitution of a subtype where a supertype is expected. This means that a value of a derived type (subtype) can be used in a context where a value of the base type (supertype) is expected, and it should not cause type-related errors.

Covariance lets you use a more specific type when working with operations that only read data. This makes your code more adaptable for reading information.

Here's and example of covariance:

class Animal { }
class Cat : Animal { }

Cat[] cats = new Cat[] { new Cat(), new Cat() };
Animal[] animals = cats; // Covariance - OK

In the example of arrays, like the one shown above, covariance allows you to assign an array of objects of a derived type to an array of objects of a base type without causing a compilation error. This enables you to work with collections of objects in a more flexible and intuitive manner, treating derived types as if they were instances of the base type.

Covariance Real-Time Eample

Covariance with Arrays

Covariance is used to allow to assign an array of derived types to a variable of an array of base types. This is useful when you want to work with collections of objects and read data.

class Animal { }
class Cat : Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Covariance with arrays
        Cat[] cats = new Cat[] { new Cat(), new Cat() };
        Animal[] animals = cats; // Covariance - OK

        // Accessing elements from the covariant array
        foreach (var animal in animals)
            Console.WriteLine(animal.GetType()); // Prints "Cat" for each element

In this example, the array of Cat objects is assigned to an array of Animal, demonstrating how covariance allows you to work with derived types as if they were base types when reading data from collections.


  1. You have a base class Animal, and two derived classes Cat and Dog.
  2. Inside the Main method:
    • You create an array cats of type Cat[] and initialize it with two Cat objects.
    • Then, you assign this cats array to another array animals of type Animal[]. This assignment is allowed because of covariance, as Cat is derived from Animal.
  3. In the foreach loop, you iterate through the animals array. Even though it's declared as an array of Animal, it still contains Cat objects due to the covariance.
  4. For each element in the animals array, you call GetType() to determine the runtime type of the object. Since all elements are actually Cat objects, it prints "Cat" for each element.



Covariance is particularly useful for scenarios where you want to work with a collection of related objects in a way that allows for substituting more specific (derived) objects while maintaining type safety. It enhances the flexibility and reusability of code in object-oriented programming by facilitating the use of inheritance and polymorphism in a more natural and expressive way.

2. Contravariance

Contravariance, in the context of C# and other programming languages with strong type systems, is a concept related to type compatibility and inheritance hierarchies. It represents the opposite of covariance, which deals with the relationship between derived types and their base types.

In contravariance, it's about substituting a base type where a derived type is expected. This might sound counterintuitive at first, but it becomes important when dealing with certain scenarios, particularly when working with function delegates, interfaces, or method parameters.

A common example of contravariance in C# is delegate types. Consider a delegate type that represents a method with a parameter of a specific type:

delegate void MyDelegate(BaseType parameter);

Now, because of contravariance, you can assign a method that takes a parameter of a derived type to this delegate type:

void MethodWithDerivedType(DerivedType parameter) { }
MyDelegate delegateInstance = MethodWithDerivedType;

In this case, MethodWithDerivedType accepts a DerivedType, but you can assign it to a delegate that expects a BaseType. Contravariance allows this assignment because it ensures that any method that can accept a more derived type can also accept a less derived (or base) type.

Contravariance can lead to more flexible and reusable code in scenarios where you want to pass different types of arguments to a method or function while maintaining type safety. It allows you to treat a method that operates on a broader set of types as if it were specialized for a narrower set, promoting polymorphism and code reusability in your applications.


delegate void AnimalHandler(Animal animal);

AnimalHandler animalHandler = (Animal animal) => { /* do something with the animal */ };
AnimalHandler catHandler = animalHandler; // Contravariance - OK

These concepts are important for understanding how type compatibility works in C#, especially when dealing with collections, arrays, delegates, and method signatures.

Contravariance Real-Time Example

Contravariance with Delegates

Contravariance allows you to assign a delegate that uses a "basic" type to a delegate variable that needs a more "derived" type. This technique is useful when someone want to work with input parameters and method signatures.

class Animal { }
class Cat : Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }

delegate void AnimalHandler(Animal animal);

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Contravariance with delegates
        AnimalHandler animalHandler = (Animal animal) =>
            Console.WriteLine("Animal handler invoked");

        AnimalHandler catHandler = animalHandler; // Contravariance - OK
        AnimalHandler dogHandler = animalHandler; // Contravariance - OK

        // Invoking contravariant delegates
        catHandler(new Cat()); // Calls the Animal handler
        dogHandler(new Dog()); // Calls the Animal handler

The provided code demonstrates the concept of contravariance with delegates in C#.

  1. The AnimalHandler delegate is designed to accept an argument of type Animal.
  2. In the Main method, an instance of AnimalHandler named animalHandler is created, which prints "Animal handler invoked" when called.
  3. Two additional AnimalHandler instances, catHandler and dogHandler, are created and assigned the same delegate as animalHandler. This demonstrates contravariance, allowing a delegate with a generic parameter (Animal) to handle more specific types (Cat or Dog).
  4. The catHandler and dogHandler are invoked with a Cat and a Dog object, respectively. As both handlers execute the same code, the output for each invocation is the same.

Program Output

Animal handler invoked
Animal handler invoked

Each line in the output corresponds to the invocation of catHandler and dogHandler, respectively.

In this example, contravariance lets you use a delegate that can work with a basic type (like Animal) to handle more derived types (like Cat and Dog) when you call methods. This shows how contravariance makes it flexible to work with method signatures and input parameters you used. Contravariance is also helpful when you're dealing with operations that only write data because it allows using a less derived type.

When dealing with write-only operations, contravariance is used to allow using a less derived type. It's less common but is used for making your code more flexible when dealing with method signatures and write operations.

Points to Remember:


  • Definition: Covariance allows using a more derived type where a less derived type is expected.
  • Use Cases: Covariance is used for read-only operations, such as retrieving data from collections or arrays.
  • Example: Assigning an array of derived objects to an array of base objects is an example of covariance.
  • Collections: Covariance is supported for interfaces like IEnumerable<T>, enabling working with collections of derived types as if they were collections of base types.
  • Type Safety: Covariance preserves type safety because it involves reading data, not modifying it.
  • Keyword: Covariance often uses the out keyword in generic interfaces or delegate type parameters.


  • Definition: Contravariance allows using a less derived type where a more derived type is expected; it's the opposite of covariance.
  • Use Cases: Contravariance is applied to write-only operations or methods that consume input.
  • Example: Assigning a delegate that takes a base type as a parameter to a delegate variable that expects a derived type parameter is an example of contravariance.
  • Delegates: Contravariance is commonly observed with delegates and method signatures when providing flexibility in input parameters.
  • Type Safety: Contravariance requires careful handling as it allows providing less specific data as input; ensure that operations inside the method remain type-safe.
  • Keyword: Contravariance often uses the in keyword in generic interfaces or delegate type parameters.

Important Considerations:

  • Covariance and contravariance are supported in C# starting from version 4.0.
  • They provide flexibility and enable more generic and reusable code in collections, delegates, and method signatures.
  • When using covariance or contravariance, be aware of the implications for type safety and ensure that operations align with expected behavior for derived or base types.
  • Use covariance for reading data and contravariance for providing input or writing data.
  • Understanding and correctly using covariance and contravariance can lead to more flexible and elegant code designs in C#.