C# - Hashtable

Hashtable is a collection class in C# that provides a way to store and manage key-value pairs, similar to a Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. However, Hashtable is part of the non-generic collections introduced in earlier versions of .NET, while Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is a generic collection introduced in later versions of .NET.

It's important to note that Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is generally recommended over Hashtable due to its type safety, better performance, and improved integration with modern C# features.

Hashtable Characteristics:

  • Key-Value Storage: Hashtables store data in key-value pairs. Each key is unique within the hashtable, and it is used to access its associated value. This makes hashtables suitable for implementing associative arrays or dictionaries.
  • Hashing Function: The hashing function takes a key as input and produces an index (or "hash") within the array where the associated value is stored. A good hashing function evenly distributes keys across the available array indices to minimize collisions.
  • Collision Handling: Collisions occur when two different keys are hashed to the same index. There are various strategies to handle collisions, including:
    Separate Chaining: Each array index contains a linked list of key-value pairs that hash to the same index.
    Open Addressing: When a collision occurs, the algorithm searches for the next available slot in the array to store the value.
    Double Hashing: A variation of open addressing where a second hash function is used to determine the next index to probe when a collision occurs.
  • Load Factor: The load factor of a hashtable is the ratio of the number of stored elements to the number of available slots in the array. A higher load factor can increase the likelihood of collisions but allows for more efficient use of memory. Balancing the load factor is important to maintain good performance.
  • Resizable: Many implementations of hashtables dynamically resize themselves as the number of stored elements changes. This helps in managing the load factor and ensuring efficient performance over time.
  • Insertion and Deletion: Inserting a new key-value pair involves hashing the key to find its index and then placing the value at that index. Deleting a key-value pair involves marking the slot as empty or using specific deletion markers, depending on the collision resolution strategy.
  • Unordered: Hashtables do not inherently maintain the order of insertion. If order is important, you might need to use other data structures, like an ordered dictionary or a balanced tree.
  • Space Efficiency: Hashtables can be space-efficient in terms of memory usage, but this efficiency might decrease with higher load factors due to increased collisions.
  • Hash Function Quality: The quality of the hash function is crucial to avoid clustering of keys and distribute them evenly across the array indices. A poor hash function can lead to performance degradation.

Here's an example of how to use Hashtable:

1. Import the Namespace:

To use the Hashtable class, make sure you include the following using directive at the top of your code file:

using System.Collections.Generic;

2. Creating Hashtable:

Creating a 'Hashtable' in C# involves instantiating the class and then adding key-value pairs to it.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

3. Adding in Hashtable:

Here's how you can add key-value pairs to a Hashtable in C#:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

        // Adding key-value pairs using the Add method
        ages.Add("Alice", 25);
        ages.Add("Bob", 30);
        ages.Add("Charlie", 28);

        // Display the hashtable contents
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ages)
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {entry.Key}, Age: {entry.Value}");

In this example, we create a Hashtable named ages and use the Add method to add three key-value pairs. The keys are strings representing names, and the values are integers representing ages.


Name: Bob, Age: 30
Name: Charlie, Age: 28
Name: Alice, Age: 25

Please note that the Add method will throw an exception if you try to add a duplicate key. If you want to avoid exceptions in this case, you can use the ContainsKey method to check for key existence before adding:

if (!ages.ContainsKey("Alice"))
    ages.Add("Alice", 26);

However, keep in mind that the Hashtable class is not recommended for new code, as it lacks type safety and other advantages provided by the modern Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class.

4. Updating in 'Hashtable':

To update the value associated with a key in a Hashtable in C#, you can simply use the indexer to assign a new value to the existing key. Here's how you can update values for keys in a Hashtable:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

        // Adding key-value pairs to the hashtable
        ages.Add("Alice", 25);
        ages.Add("Bob", 30);
        ages.Add("Charlie", 28);

        // Update the value associated with a key using the indexer
        ages["Bob"] = 31;

        // Display the updated hashtable contents
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ages)
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {entry.Key}, Age: {entry.Value}");

In this example, we create a Hashtable named ages and add three key-value pairs. Then, we update the value associated with the key "Bob" from 30 to 31 by assigning the new value to ages["Bob"].


Name: Bob, Age: 31
Name: Charlie, Age: 28
Name: Alice, Age: 25

However, keep in mind that Hashtable is not type-safe, and values are stored as objects, so you need to perform explicit casting when using the values. If you're working with modern C# and need type safety, consider using the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class instead.

5. Remove from Hashtable

To remove key-value pairs from a Hashtable in C#, you can use the Remove method. Here's how you can remove elements from a Hashtable:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

        // Adding key-value pairs to the hashtable
        ages.Add("Alice", 25);
        ages.Add("Bob", 30);
        ages.Add("Charlie", 28);

        // Remove a key-value pair using the Remove method

        // Display the updated hashtable contents
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ages)
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {entry.Key}, Age: {entry.Value}");

In this example, we create a Hashtable named ages and add three key-value pairs. Then, we use the Remove method to remove the key "Bob" along with its associated value from the 'Hashtable'.


Name: Alice, Age: 25
Name: Charlie, Age: 28

If you try to remove a key that doesn't exist in the Hashtable, it won't cause an error. It will simply have no effect.

Additionally, you can use the ContainsKey method to check if a key exists before attempting to remove it:

if (ages.ContainsKey("Alice"))
    Console.WriteLine("Alice removed.");
    Console.WriteLine("Alice not found.");

Remember that the Hashtable class is not recommended for new code, and you should consider using the more modern Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class for type safety and better performance.

6. Traversing in Hashtable

Traversing or iterating through a Hashtable in C# can be done using a foreach loop or by manually iterating through its Keys or Values collections. Here's how you can traverse a Hashtable:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

        // Adding key-value pairs to the hashtable
        ages.Add("Alice", 25);
        ages.Add("Bob", 30);
        ages.Add("Charlie", 28);

        // Using foreach to traverse the Hashtable
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ages)
            Console.WriteLine($"Name: {entry.Key}, Age: {entry.Value}");

        // Traversing using Keys collection
        Console.WriteLine("\nTraversing using Keys:");
        foreach (var key in ages.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine($"Key: {key}, Age: {ages[key]}");

        // Traversing using Values collection
        Console.WriteLine("\nTraversing using Values:");
        foreach (var value in ages.Values)
            Console.WriteLine($"Age: {value}");


Name: Alice, Age: 25
Name: Bob, Age: 30
Name: Charlie, Age: 28

Traversing using Keys:
Key: Alice, Age: 25
Key: Bob, Age: 30
Key: Charlie, Age: 28

Traversing using Values:
Age: 25
Age: 30
Age: 28

In this C# program, we use a Hashtable to store key-value pairs representing names and ages. Here's a breakdown of what happens:

  1. We add three key-value pairs to the Hashtable: "Alice" with age 25, "Bob" with age 30, and "Charlie" with age 28.
  2. We use a foreach loop to traverse the Hashtable. This loop iterates through the DictionaryEntry objects, allowing us to access both keys and values. It prints each name and age pair.
  3. Next, we demonstrate traversing the Hashtable using the Keys collection. We iterate through the keys and use them to access the corresponding ages from the Hashtable. This shows how to retrieve values using keys.
  4. Finally, we show how to traverse the Hashtable using the Values collection. We iterate through the values directly, printing out the ages.

This program illustrates how to work with a Hashtable in C#, including adding, accessing, and traversing key-value pairs.

Keep in mind that the Hashtable class is not recommended for new code, and using the more modern Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class is preferable due to its type safety and improved performance.

7. Searching in Hashtable

Searching for elements in a Hashtable in C# involves using keys to access values. Here's how you can search for elements in a Hashtable:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Hashtable ages = new Hashtable();

        // Adding key-value pairs to the hashtable
        ages.Add("Alice", 25);
        ages.Add("Bob", 30);
        ages.Add("Charlie", 28);

        // Searching for a key
        string searchKey = "Bob";

        if (ages.ContainsKey(searchKey))
            int age = (int)ages[searchKey];
            Console.WriteLine($"{searchKey}'s age is {age}");
            Console.WriteLine($"{searchKey} not found");


Bob's age is 30

In this C# program, we use a Hashtable to store key-value pairs representing names and ages. Here's a breakdown of what happens:

  1. We add three key-value pairs to the Hashtable: "Alice" with age 25, "Bob" with age 30, and "Charlie" with age 28.
  2. We specify a key to search for, which is "Bob" in this case.
  3. We use the ContainsKey method to check if the Hashtable contains the specified key. If it does, we retrieve and print the age associated with that key. In this case, "Bob's age is 30" is printed because "Bob" is found in the Hashtable.
  4. If the key is not found in the Hashtable, we print "{searchKey} not found." However, in this example, "Bob" is present in the Hashtable, so this branch of the if statement is not executed.

This program demonstrates how to search for a key in a Hashtable and retrieve its associated value, handling the case when the key is found.

8. Methods and Properties of Hashtable:

Here's a list of some commonly used methods and properties of the Hashtable class in C#:


  1. Add(object key, object value): Adds a new key-value pair to the hashtable.
  2. Remove(object key): Removes the element with the specified key from the hashtable.
  3. Clear(): Removes all key-value pairs from the hashtable.
  4. ContainsKey(object key): Determines whether the hashtable contains a specific key.
  5. ContainsValue(object value): Determines whether the hashtable contains a specific value.
  6. GetEnumerator(): Returns an enumerator that iterates through the DictionaryEntry objects in the hashtable.
  7. Clone(): Creates a shallow copy of the hashtable.


  1. Item[object key]: Provides access to the value associated with the specified key using the indexer.
  2. Keys: Gets a collection containing all the keys in the hashtable.
  3. Values: Gets a collection containing all the values in the hashtable.
  4. Count: Gets the number of key-value pairs in the hashtable.
  5. IsReadOnly: Gets whether the hashtable is read-only.
  6. IsFixedSize: Gets whether the hashtable has a fixed size.
  7. SyncRoot: Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the hashtable.
  8. Comparer: Gets the IComparer object used for key comparison.

It's important to note that the Hashtable class is part of the non-generic collections and lacks type safety, which can lead to casting issues and potential runtime errors. For modern development, consider using the generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class instead, which provides better type safety and performance.