C# - INotifyCollectionChanged

INotifyCollectionChanged in C# is an interface used to notify when a collection has changed, allowing you to track and react to changes in lists, arrays, or other collections. It's helpful when you want to be informed about any additions, removals, or updates happening within a collection.

Implementation of this interface typically makes sire that whenever the collection changes, it will raise an event. This is especially useful for data binding scenarios, such as those in WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) or Xamarin, where the UI needs to be updated in response to changes in the underlying data.

The most common implementation of this interface is the ObservableCollection<T> class. Whenever items are added or removed, this collection automatically raises events.


using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ObservableCollection<string> names = new ObservableCollection<string>();

        // Event handler for collection changes
        names.CollectionChanged += Names_CollectionChanged;

        // Adding items to the collection

        // Removing an item from the collection


    // Event handler method for collection changes
    private static void Names_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
            Console.WriteLine($"Added: {e.NewItems[0]}");
        else if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
            Console.WriteLine($"Removed: {e.OldItems[0]}");

In this example, the program uses the ObservableCollection<T> class to track changes in the names collection. The CollectionChanged event handler displays messages whenever items are added or removed from the collection.

Upon execution, the program output will show messages indicating the changes made to the collection, demonstrating the functionality of INotifyCollectionChanged.

  Added: Alice
Added: Bob
Added: Charlie
Removed: Bob

This demonstrates how INotifyCollectionChanged works by notifying about collection modifications in real-time.

This pattern allows you to build dynamic, data-driven user interfaces that respond automatically to changes in the underlying data collections. The INotifyCollectionChanged interface and ObservableCollection<T> class are essential tools in the .NET world for doing this.

INotifyCollectionChanged: Pros and Cons

INotifyCollectionChanged is part of .NET Framework (and .NET Core). It helps collections tell others when their items change. This is super handy, especially in frameworks like WPF that connect data. Here are some pros and cons of using INotifyCollectionChanged:


  1. Data Binding: One of the primary reasons for INotifyCollectionChanged is to support UI data binding, especially in WPF. It allows the UI to automatically update when the underlying collection changes without requiring explicit code to refresh the view.
  2. Decoupling: Implementing INotifyCollectionChanged promotes a separation between the collection and its consumers. This decoupling can lead to more maintainable and modular code.
  3. Standardized Approach: By adopting INotifyCollectionChanged, you're using a standardized mechanism recognized by many .NET developers. This makes your codebase easier to understand for newcomers familiar with .NET conventions.
  4. Granularity of Changes: The NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs provides detailed information about the type of change (add, remove, move, reset) and the items involved. This is more granular than a generic "something changed" notification.
  5. Interoperability: Collections implementing INotifyCollectionChanged can be easily used with other .NET components that expect such notifications, like CollectionView in WPF.


  1. Complexity: Implementing INotifyCollectionChanged correctly can add complexity to your collection classes, especially if you're implementing a custom collection.
  2. Performance Overhead: Triggering events for every collection change can lead to performance issues, especially for bulk operations. This overhead may not be acceptable in performance-critical scenarios.
  3. Potential for Bugs: If not implemented correctly, you might end up with scenarios where the UI and the underlying collection are out of sync.
  4. Requires Subscribers: The benefits of INotifyCollectionChanged are only realized if there's something subscribed to the CollectionChanged event. If not, the event invocations are just added overhead.
  5. Memory Leaks: If subscribers do not unsubscribe from the CollectionChanged event before being disposed of or becoming unused, they may not be garbage-collected, leading to memory leaks. It's crucial to ensure proper subscription management.
  6. Threading Issues: INotifyCollectionChanged does not provide built-in thread-safety. If you have multiple threads modifying the collection and subscribing to change notifications, you need to manage synchronization yourself.

In conclusion, while INotifyCollectionChanged offers a powerful mechanism for collection change notification, especially for UI data binding, it also introduces additional complexities and potential pitfalls. As with many tools and interfaces, it's important to understand the implications and trade-offs to use it effectively.

INotifyCollectionChanged Best Practices

When implementing or consuming the INotifyCollectionChanged interface, adhering to best practices can improve the reliability, maintainability, and performance of your application. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Implement Properly: Ensure that your collection sends out notifications only when actual changes happen. Avoid sending redundant notifications which can lead to unnecessary UI updates.
  2. Avoid Bulk Changes: The INotifyCollectionChanged interface is not optimal for large-scale bulk changes, as it might raise a lot of events. For major updates, consider using the Reset action after performing all the changes.
  3. Handle Thread Safety: Remember that UI elements (in frameworks like WPF) typically have thread affinity. If changes to the collection might come from a background thread, ensure you marshal these changes to the UI thread using mechanisms like Dispatcher.Invoke() in WPF.
  4. Unsubscribe from Events: Always ensure that any subscribers to the CollectionChanged event unsubscribe when they are no longer needed. This prevents memory leaks and ensures that objects can be garbage collected.
  5. Avoid Direct Manipulation: When exposing a collection that implements INotifyCollectionChanged (e.g., ObservableCollection<T>), consider exposing it as an IEnumerable<T> or a read-only version to prevent external manipulation.
  6. Consider Using Existing Implementations: Instead of implementing INotifyCollectionChanged from scratch, you might want to use existing classes that already provide this functionality, like ObservableCollection<T>.
  7. Be Cautious with Reset: Using the Reset action will generally refresh the entire bound UI element, which might be inefficient for large collections. Use it judiciously.
  8. Implement INotifyPropertyChanged: When using INotifyCollectionChanged in a data-bound scenario, it's often beneficial for the items within the collection also to implement INotifyPropertyChanged. This ensures that any changes to the properties of the items within the collection get reflected in the UI.
  9. Avoid Premature Optimization: While it's essential to be aware of performance, avoid over-optimizing without real-world data. Profile your application and optimize based on actual bottlenecks.
  10. Test Thoroughly: Given that collections that implement INotifyCollectionChanged often have a direct impact on the UI, ensure you have thorough testing. This includes unit tests, integration tests, and UI tests to verify that changes to the collection correctly update the UI.
  11. Documentation: If you're creating a custom collection that implements INotifyCollectionChanged, provide clear documentation on how and when the collection raises events. This will be invaluable for other developers working with your collection.

By following these best practices, you can make the most of the INotifyCollectionChanged interface and ensure that your applications are efficient, reliable, and maintainable.