Where are String values stored in memory?

In C#, string values are stored in memory as objects. The string type in C# is a reference type, which means that when you declare a string variable, it holds a reference to the actual string object stored in memory.

Let's consider an example:

string greeting = "Hello, World!";

In this example, the string literal "Hello, World!" is assigned to the greeting variable. The string object is created in memory and the greeting variable holds a reference to that object.

The memory representation of the string object in C# typically includes two main components:

  1. A reference to an array of characters: The string object contains a reference to an array where the characters of the string are stored. In the case of our example, the array would contain the characters 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', and a null character ('\0') at the end to indicate the end of the string.
  2. Additional metadata: The string object also includes additional metadata, such as the length of the string, which allows for efficient string operations.

Here's a diagram that illustrates the memory representation of the string object in C#:

|       String        |
|    Reference to     |
|  character array    |
|    String length    |

The actual character array, along with the metadata, is allocated on the managed heap in C#. The managed heap is a region of memory used by the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) to allocate and manage objects.

It's important to note that strings in C# are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once they are created. If you modify a string, such as concatenating two strings together, a new string object is created in memory to hold the modified string.

I hope this clarifies how string values are stored in memory in C#.