C# - IEnumerator

In C#, IEnumerator is an interface that defines methods to iterate over a collection. It is a fundamental component of the .NET Framework and is used in conjunction with the IEnumerable interface. When you use a foreach loop to iterate over a collection in C#, you're relying on the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces behind the scenes.

Main characteristics of the IEnumerator interface:

  1. Methods:
    • MoveNext(): Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. Returns true if there are more elements; otherwise, false.
    • Reset(): Sets the enumerator back to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. However, the implementation of this method is optional and might throw a NotSupportedException for some collections.
  2. Property:

    Current: Returns the current element in the collection. When an enumerator is created or after a call to the Reset() method, the Current property is undefined. You have to call MoveNext() to advance the enumerator to the first element of the collection before reading the value of Current.

  3. State:

    Enumerators hold a state. This means that you can pause the iteration, do something else, and then resume the iteration from where you left off.

  4. One-way Iteration:

    Once you iterate over an element, you cannot go back to a previous element without resetting the enumerator.

  5. Not Thread-Safe:

    IEnumerator is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. If you need to access the enumerator across multiple threads, you must implement your own synchronization.

  6. External Changes:

    Modifying the underlying collection while iterating over it using an enumerator (for example, adding or removing items) will often result in an InvalidOperationException being thrown on the next call to MoveNext() or Current. This is not a guaranteed behavior for all collections, but it is the common case.

  7. Disposable:

    IEnumerator also implements the IDisposable interface, meaning that an enumerator might hold unmanaged resources. It's a good practice to dispose of the enumerator after use, either by using a using statement or by calling the Dispose() method explicitly.

Simple usage example:

List<string> fruits = new List<string>() { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };

IEnumerator<string> enumerator = fruits.GetEnumerator();

while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    string fruit = enumerator.Current;

enumerator.Dispose(); // Or wrap the usage in a using statement.

Remember that in most common scenarios, you don't need to deal directly with IEnumerator because the foreach loop abstracts its use for you. However, understanding its inner workings can be beneficial, especially when you're working with custom collections or implementing your own iteration mechanisms.

Let's first provide a complete example source code that demonstrates the usage of IEnumerator and then I'll break down the example step by step:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        List<string> fruits = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };

        using (IEnumerator<string> enumerator = fruits.GetEnumerator())
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                string fruit = enumerator.Current;

Running this program will output:


Step-by-Step Illustration:

1. Setup:

We have the necessary using directives to bring in relevant namespaces. This lets us utilize types like List and IEnumerator without specifying their full namespaces.

We've created a class named Program with a static Main method, which serves as the program's entry point.

2. Creating a Collection:

List<string> fruits = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };

We've initialized a list of strings named fruits that contains three fruit names.

3. Obtaining the Enumerator:

using (IEnumerator<string> enumerator = fruits.GetEnumerator())

We acquire an enumerator for our fruits list. The using statement ensures that the enumerator will be properly disposed of once we're finished with it.

4. Iterating Using the Enumerator:

while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    string fruit = enumerator.Current;

We use the MoveNext() method to advance the enumerator to the next item in the list. If MoveNext() returns true, it means there's a next item to be accessed. We retrieve the current item using the Current property and store it in the fruit variable. We then print the name of the current fruit to the console.

5. Disposal:

After iterating over all the items, the program exits the using block, at which point the Dispose() method of the enumerator is automatically invoked. This frees up any resources that might have been used by the enumerator.

And that's the entire process! The code demonstrates the fundamental usage of IEnumerator to iterate through a collection in C#.

Difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#

1. Purpose:


Represents a collection that can be iterated over. It exposes the GetEnumerator method which, when called, returns an IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection.


Provides the mechanism to actually iterate over the collection. It exposes methods and properties like MoveNext(), Current, and Reset() that allow you to navigate through the items in a collection.

2. Methods and Properties:


  • Methods:
    • GetEnumerator(): Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.


  • Methods:
    • MoveNext(): Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. Returns true if there are more elements; otherwise, false.
    • Reset(): Sets the enumerator back to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection. (However, this method is not always implemented.)
  • Properties:
    • Current: Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.

3. Usage:


When you implement IEnumerable in a class, it means that the class can be iterated over using a foreach loop. Commonly implemented by most collection types in .NET, such as List<T>, Array, Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, etc.


Direct interaction with IEnumerator is less common since foreach abstracts away the need for it in most scenarios. However, if you manually wanted to control iteration or were implementing custom collections, you'd work directly with IEnumerator.

4. Lifetime:


Represents the entire collection and is usually long-lived.


Represents a specific iteration through the collection and is typically short-lived. Once you've iterated through the collection, the enumerator is typically disposed of.

5. Generics:


Has a generic version: IEnumerable<T> where T is the type of elements in the collection.


Also has a generic version: IEnumerator<T> which provides a strongly-typed Current property.


While both IEnumerable and IEnumerator relate to iteration in C#, the key distinction is in their roles:

  • IEnumerable is about representing a collection that can be iterated.
  • IEnumerator provides the mechanism to perform the actual iteration over the collection.

In common usage, developers often work with IEnumerable (especially via foreach loops), while the underlying IEnumerator is used behind the scenes to perform the iteration.