C# - IComparable

IComparable is an interface in C# that is used to compare instances of a class or struct to support ordering. The primary method this interface provides is CompareTo, which returns an integer. When comparing two objects:

  • If the current instance precedes the object passed as a parameter in the sort order, it returns a negative integer.
  • If the current instance is in the same position in the sort order as the object passed as a parameter, it returns zero.
  • If the current instance follows the object passed as a parameter in the sort order, it returns a positive integer.

By implementing IComparable, you can use built-in sorting functions like Array.Sort() and List.Sort() on collections of your custom type.


Consider a simple Person class with a single Age property. We want to be able to sort a list of Person objects based on their age.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Person : IComparable<Person>
public int Age { get; set; }

public Person(int age)
	Age = age;

public int CompareTo(Person other)
	if (other == null) return 1; // Non-null objects are considered greater than null

	return Age.CompareTo(other.Age);

public override string ToString()
	return Age.ToString();

public class Program
public static void Main()
	List<Person> people = new List<Person>
		new Person(25),
		new Person(19),
		new Person(45),
		new Person(30)


	foreach (var person in people)



When to use IComparable:

  1. Default Ordering is Necessary:

    When instances of a type have a natural or default ordering that makes sense most of the time, IComparable should be implemented. For instance, numbers, strings, and dates have a natural ordering.

  2. Built-in Sorting:

    If you want to make use of built-in sorting functions, such as Array.Sort() or List.Sort(), without specifying any additional comparison logic, then your class or struct should implement IComparable.

  3. Framework Requirements:

    Some .NET framework classes and methods expect objects to implement IComparable for operations like sorting, searching, or inserting into sorted collections.

  4. Broadly Used Custom Types:

    If you're developing a library or a class that will be widely used, and you anticipate that users might often need to sort instances, implementing IComparable provides a convenient default.

When not to use IComparable:

  1. No Sensible Default Ordering:

    If there's no clear or sensible "default" way to order instances of your type, you might skip implementing IComparable. For instance, a "Car" class might not have an obvious default ordering unless you always want to order by, say, model year.

  2. Multiple Potential Orderings:

    If there are multiple common ways objects of a class might be ordered, and none of them is a clear default, it might be better to provide separate IComparer<T> implementations for each sort order instead of choosing one as a default with IComparable<T>.

  3. Performance Considerations:

    Sometimes, the default comparison might not be the most efficient for certain operations. In such cases, specialized IComparer<T> implementations might be preferred.

  4. Avoiding Complexity:

    If the sorting requirements for your type are situational and seldom needed, implementing IComparable might introduce unnecessary complexity to your class or struct. In such cases, one-off comparison methods or lambdas can be used when needed.

IComparable Best Practices

  1. Prefer IComparable<T> over IComparable:

    The generic version (IComparable<T>) is type-safe, which means it avoids boxing and unboxing operations and ensures type correctness at compile time.

  2. Handle Nulls Appropriately:

    The IComparable convention is that non-null objects are considered greater than null. So, in your CompareTo method, always check if the object being compared is null and handle it correctly.

  3. Ensure a Total Order:

    The comparison method should be reflexive (an item is always equal to itself), antisymmetric (if A > B, then B < A and vice-versa), and transitive (if A > B and B > C, then A > C). This ensures that the ordering is consistent and predictable.

  4. Override Equals and GetHashCode:

    If you're implementing IComparable or IComparable<T>, it's often wise to also override the Equals method and the GetHashCode method to ensure consistent behavior.

  5. Use Built-in Compare Methods:

    For basic types (like int, string, DateTime), utilize their built-in CompareTo methods as they're optimized. For instance, when comparing integer properties, use int.CompareTo method.

  6. Avoid Side Effects:

    The CompareTo method should not have side effects. It should only compare the current instance with another instance and should not modify any of them.

  7. Document the Default Order:

    Clearly document what the default order is when implementing IComparable. This helps other developers understand the expected behavior without having to inspect the code.

  8. Consider Performance:

    If comparisons are frequent and complex, think about how you can optimize them. One common technique is to cache some comparison results if they are expensive to compute.

  9. Multiple Sorting Criteria:

    If a class can be sorted in several ways (e.g., a Person class by name, age, or address), only implement IComparable for the most "natural" or "default" ordering. For other sorting criteria, implement separate IComparer or IComparer<T> classes.

  10. Implement IEquatable<T>:

    If you're implementing IComparable<T>, consider also implementing IEquatable<T>. This provides a strongly-typed method to determine equality and can improve performance in collections.

  11. Check for Reference Equality:

    Before performing a potentially expensive comparison, check if the two objects being compared are actually the same object in memory using ReferenceEquals. If they are, you can immediately return 0, indicating equality.

  12. Be Careful with Floating Point Numbers:

    Directly comparing floating point numbers can lead to unexpected results due to precision issues. Consider using a tolerance range or the double.Epsilon value for such comparisons.