C# - Implicitly typed variables

Implicitly typed variables in C# are those declared with the var keyword. The compiler determines their type based on the assigned value. This feature is especially useful for complex types but can be applied to any data type.

Key Points:

  • The type is determined at compile-time, not at runtime.
  • Once inferred, the variable's type cannot change.
  • var must be used when the variable is declared and initialized simultaneously.


using System;

class Program
static void Main()
	var number = 10;  // Implicitly typed as int
	var message = "Hello, World!";  // Implicitly typed as string
	var floatingNumber = 3.14;  // Implicitly typed as double

	Console.WriteLine("Number: " + number);
	Console.WriteLine("Message: " + message);
	Console.WriteLine("Floating Number: " + floatingNumber);


Number: 10
Message: Hello, World!
Floating Number: 3.14


number is inferred as an int, message as a string, and floatingNumber as a double. Implicit typing makes code cleaner and more readable, especially with complex types, but should be used carefully to maintain clarity.

Difference between implicitly-typed and explicitly-typed variables:

In C#, the distinction between implicitly-typed and explicitly-typed variables lies in how the type of the variable is specified.

Implicitly-Typed Variables

  • How They Work: With implicitly-typed variables, you use the var keyword, and the compiler determines the variable's type based on the value assigned to it at initialization.
  • Key Point: The actual type is determined at compile-time and must be clear from the right-hand side of the assignment.

Explicitly-Typed Variables

  • How They Work: Explicitly-typed variables require you to specify the type of the variable explicitly when you declare it.
  • Key Point: The type is clearly specified, making the code more transparent regarding what type of data the variable holds.

Here's an example demonstrating both types:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Implicitly-typed variable
        var name = "Alice"; // The compiler infers 'name' as a string

        // Explicitly-typed variable
        string greeting = "Hello, " + name; // The type of 'greeting' is explicitly defined as string

        Console.WriteLine(greeting); // Output the greeting


Hello, Alice


  • In this example, name is an implicitly-typed variable. The compiler infers its type as string because it's initialized with a string literal.
  • The variable greeting, on the other hand, is explicitly typed. We've clearly defined it as a string.
  • The output shows a combined greeting using both variables.

When to Use Which:

  • Implicit Typing (var): Useful when dealing with complex types or when the type is obvious from the right-hand side of the assignment. It can make code cleaner but should be used judiciously to maintain readability.
  • Explicit Typing: Provides clarity, especially when the type isn't immediately obvious. It's also necessary when you declare a variable without initializing it immediately.

Both approaches have their place in C# programming, and the choice often depends on the context and the need for code clarity versus brevity.

Points to Remember:
  1. Definition: Begin by providing a clear definition of implicitly typed variables, explaining that they allow the compiler or interpreter to determine the data type of a variable based on the assigned value.
  2. Examples: Illustrate the concept with examples from programming languages that support implicit typing, such as C#, Python, or TypeScript. Show how variables can be declared without specifying a data type explicitly.
  3. Advantages: Discuss the benefits of using implicitly typed variables, such as improved code readability, reduced redundancy, and flexibility when working with complex data structures.
  4. Languages: Mention that not all programming languages support implicit typing, so it's important to check the language's documentation or specifications to confirm whether it's available.
  5. Code Attribution: When presenting code examples, always attribute them to their original sources if you're using them from textbooks, tutorials, or online resources. Plagiarism occurs when you present someone else's work as your own without proper attribution.
  6. Paraphrasing: If you're using information or explanations from existing sources, rephrase the content in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Properly cite the source if necessary.
  7. Original Work: Whenever possible, try to create your own examples or explanations to demonstrate the concept of implicitly typed variables. This will ensure that your content is original and not copied from others.
  8. Citation Style: If you do need to reference external sources, use the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to give credit to the original authors or creators.
  9. Plagiarism Detection Tools: Use plagiarism detection tools if you have any doubts about the originality of your work. These tools can help you identify and rectify unintentional instances of plagiarism.
  10. Academic Integrity: If you're writing for academic purposes, adhere to your institution's or publication's policies on plagiarism. Plagiarism can have serious consequences in academic and professional settings.

In summary, when discussing implicitly typed variables, make sure to provide a clear definition, use examples, and attribute any borrowed content properly to avoid plagiarism. Always prioritize originality and ethical writing practices in your work.