C# - Action Delegate: A Comprehensive Guide

The Action delegate in C# is a predefined generic delegate type found in the System namespace. It represents a method that has a void return type and can accept zero to sixteen input parameters. The Action delegate is particularly useful when you want to pass a method as a parameter without needing it to return a value.

In this article, we’ll explore:

What is the Action Delegate?

The Action delegate is a built-in delegate in C# that is used to encapsulate methods with a void return type. It is part of the System namespace and is available in various generic forms to handle methods with different numbers of parameters (from 0 to 16).

Key Features:

  • No Return Value: The Action delegate is used for methods that do not return a value.
  • Generic Support: It can handle methods with up to 16 parameters.
  • Flexibility: It is commonly used in scenarios like event handling, threading, and LINQ queries.

Basic Usage of Action Delegate

The Action delegate can be used to point to methods with a void return type. Here’s a simple example:

using System;

public class Program
public static void Main()
	// Action delegate with no parameters
	Action displayMessage = DisplayHello;
	displayMessage(); // Output: Hello, World!

	// Action delegate with one parameter
	Action<string> greetMessage = Greet;
	greetMessage("John"); // Output: Hello, John!

public static void DisplayHello()
	Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

public static void Greet(string name)
	Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");


Hello, World!
Hello, John!


  • The Action delegate displayMessage points to the DisplayHello method, which takes no parameters and has a void return type.
  • The Action<string> delegate greetMessage points to the Greet method, which takes a single string parameter and has a void return type.

Lambda Expressions with Action

Lambda expressions can be used with the Action delegate to define methods inline. This makes the code more concise and readable.


Action<int, int> addAndPrint = (a, b) => Console.WriteLine(a + b);
addAndPrint(5, 7); // Output: 12

In this example:

  • A lambda expression is used to define the addAndPrint method, which adds two integers and prints the result.
  • The Action<int, int> delegate is used to represent a method that takes two int parameters and returns void.

When to Use Action Delegate

The Action delegate is useful in various scenarios, including:

1. Event Handling

You can use the Action delegate to handle events, especially when custom event data is not required.


using System;

namespace ActionDelegateEventHandling
class Program
	// Declare an event using the Action delegate
	public static event Action<string> MyEvent;

	static void Main()
		// Subscribe to the event
		MyEvent += DisplayMessage;

		// Trigger the event
		OnEventRaised("Event has been raised!");

		// Subscribe another handler to the event
		MyEvent += AnotherDisplayMessage;

		// Trigger the event again
		OnEventRaised("Event has been raised again!");

	static void OnEventRaised(string message)

	static void DisplayMessage(string message)
		Console.WriteLine($"DisplayMessage: {message}");

	static void AnotherDisplayMessage(string message)
		Console.WriteLine($"AnotherDisplayMessage: {message}");


DisplayMessage: Event has been raised!
DisplayMessage: Event has been raised again!
AnotherDisplayMessage: Event has been raised again!

2. Threading

The Action delegate can be used with Task.Run or ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to execute methods asynchronously.


Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("Running on another thread.");

3. LINQ and Lambda Expressions

The ForEach extension method on List<T> takes an Action<T> delegate, allowing you to apply an action to each item in the list.


var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
numbers.ForEach(n => Console.WriteLine(n));

4. UI Programming

In frameworks like WPF or Windows Forms, you can use the Action delegate to execute code on the UI thread.


this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
textBox1.Text = "Updated on UI thread.";

Real-Life Example: Logging System

Let’s consider a real-time example of a logging system where messages can be logged to different places, such as the console or a file. Using the Action delegate allows you to decouple the logging logic from the calling code.


using System;

namespace ActionDelegateExample
class Program
	static void Main()
		// Log to console
		LogMessage("This will log to the console.", LogToConsole);

		// Log to file
		LogMessage("This will log to a file.", LogToFile);

		// Chain multiple logging actions
		Action<string> combinedLogging = LogToConsole + LogToFile;
		LogMessage("This will log to both the console and a file.", combinedLogging);

	// Method to log messages using an Action delegate
	static void LogMessage(string message, Action<string> logAction)

	// Log to console
	static void LogToConsole(string message)
		Console.WriteLine($"Console: {message}");

	// Log to file (simplified for demonstration)
	static void LogToFile(string message)
		Console.WriteLine($"File: {message}");


Console: This will log to the console.
File: This will log to a file.
Console: This will log to both the console and a file.
File: This will log to both the console and a file.


  • The LogMessage method takes a message and an Action<string> delegate to define how the message should be logged.
  • By passing different logging methods (LogToConsole or LogToFile), you can dynamically change where the message is logged.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Predefined Delegate: The Action delegate is a predefined delegate type in the .NET framework.
  2. Void Return Type: It represents methods with a void return type.
  3. Generics: It can handle methods with up to 16 parameters.
  4. Lambda Expressions: It is often used with lambda expressions for concise inline method definitions.
  5. Multicast Delegates: Multiple Action delegates can be combined using the + operator.
  6. Use Cases: It is commonly used in event handling, threading, LINQ, and UI programming.
  7. Thread Safety: Ensure thread safety when modifying or invoking Action delegates in a multithreaded environment.
  8. Avoid Excessive Parameters: While Action can handle up to 16 parameters, it’s best to avoid methods with too many parameters for better readability.


The Action delegate in C# is a powerful tool for encapsulating methods that do not return a value. It is widely used in scenarios like event handling, threading, LINQ, and UI programming. By understanding how to use the Action delegate, you can write more flexible and maintainable code.

Whether you’re logging messages, handling events, or executing asynchronous tasks, the Action delegate provides a clean and efficient way to pass methods as parameters.

Key Takeaways

  • The Action delegate represents methods with a void return type.
  • It can handle methods with up to 16 parameters.
  • It is commonly used with lambda expressions for concise code.
  • Use Action for scenarios like event handling, threading, and LINQ.
  • For methods that return a value, use the Func delegate instead.