C# - Action Delegate

In C#, the Action delegate stands as a predefined generic delegate type found within the System namespace. It represents a method that has a void return type and capable of accommodating from zero to sixteen input parameters. The Action delegate is used when you want to pass a method as a parameter but you don't need it to return a value.

It's particularly handy in scenarios where you need to execute a method asynchronously or in cases where a method needs to be dynamically selected or changed during runtime without returning a result.

1. Action Delegate Basic Usage:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Action displayMessage = DisplayHello;

        Action<string> greetMessage = Greet;

    public static void DisplayHello()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

    public static void Greet(string name)
        Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");

The output of the program is:

Hello, World!
Hello, John!

In the example above:

  • The Action delegate displayMessage points to the DisplayHello method that takes no parameters and has a void return type.
  • The Action<string> delegate greetMessage points to the Greet method which takes a single string parameter and has a void return type.

Key Points:

  1. Action delegate methods always return void.
  2. Action can have up to 16 parameters: Action, Action<T>, Action<T1, T2>, ..., Action<T1, T2, ..., T16>.
  3. It's especially useful when used with LINQ queries and lambda expressions, as it allows for concise code when defining methods on the fly.

Lambda Expression with Action:

Action<int, int> addAndPrint = (a, b) => Console.WriteLine(a + b);
addAndPrint(5, 7);  // Outputs: 12

In this example, instead of defining a separate method, a lambda expression is used directly with the Action delegate to define the operation.

2. When to Use Action Delegate:

  1. Event Handling: Though events commonly use the EventHandler delegate, you can use Action for simpler cases where custom event data isn't necessary. Here's an example to illlustrate event handling:
    using System;
    namespace ActionDelegateEventHandling
        class Program
            // Declare an event using the Action delegate
            public static event Action<string> MyEvent;
            static void Main()
                // Subscribe to the event
                MyEvent += DisplayMessage;
                // Trigger the event
                OnEventRaised("Event has been raised!");
                // Subscribe another handler to the event
                MyEvent += AnotherDisplayMessage;
                // Trigger the event again
                OnEventRaised("Event has been raised again!");
            static void OnEventRaised(string message)
            static void DisplayMessage(string message)
                Console.WriteLine($"DisplayMessage: {message}");
            static void AnotherDisplayMessage(string message)
                Console.WriteLine($"AnotherDisplayMessage: {message}");

    Expected Output

    DisplayMessage: Event has been raised!
    DisplayMessage: Event has been raised again!
    AnotherDisplayMessage: Event has been raised again!


    1. Event Declaration:
      An event named MyEvent is declared using the Action<string> delegate. Only string type parameter will be accepted by this event.
    2. Subscribe to Event:
      The DisplayMessage method subscribes to MyEvent.
    3. First Event Trigger:
      • On triggering the event, the OnEventRaised method is called with a message.
      • Inside OnEventRaised, MyEvent?.Invoke(message); triggers MyEvent, which in turn invokes DisplayMessage.
      • Output: DisplayMessage: Event has been raised!
    4. Additional Subscription:
      Another method, AnotherDisplayMessage, subscribes to MyEvent.
    5. Second Event Trigger:
      • The OnEventRaised method is called again with a new message.
      • Inside OnEventRaised, MyEvent?.Invoke(message); triggers MyEvent, which now invokes both DisplayMessage and AnotherDisplayMessage.
      • Output: DisplayMessage: Event has been raised again! and AnotherDisplayMessage: Event has been raised again!

    The Action delegate makes it easy to declare and manage events, allowing for flexible and dynamic event handling in the application.

  2. Threading: When you want to execute a method asynchronously using Task.Run or ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, you can use an Action to represent the method you want to execute.
    Action action = () => Console.WriteLine("Running on another thread.");
  3. LINQ and Lambda Expressions: The ForEach extension method on List<T> takes an Action<T> delegate, letting you apply an action to each item in the list.
    var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    numbers.ForEach(n => Console.WriteLine(n));
  4. Custom Delegation: Whenever you need to pass a method as a parameter but don’t require a return value, an Action delegate can be used. This can be useful for things like customizing behavior without having to subclass or change existing code.
  5. Callbacks: If you need a callback mechanism where the callback doesn't need to return a value but just perform an action, Action would be suitable.
  6. UI Programming: In frameworks like WPF or Windows Forms, you might need to execute code on the UI thread. Action can be used in conjunction with the Dispatcher or Control.Invoke to execute code on the main thread.
    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => 
        textBox1.Text = "Updated on UI thread.";
  7. Custom Iteration: When iterating over items and you want to apply a custom action without necessarily transforming the items, Action can be useful.
  8. Timer Callbacks: When you use timers like System.Threading.Timer, the callback method doesn’t return any value. An Action can be used here.

Note: If you want to return a value from a delegate, you should use Func instead of Action. The distinction lies in the fact that "Func" is designed to consistently return a value, whereas "Action" does not.

3. Action Delegate Real-time Example:

Let's consider we are creating a real-time example of a logging system. To log messages to different places you might have various methods e.g., the console, a file, or a remote logging service.

Using an Action delegate can allow you to decouple the calling logic from the specific logging implementation, making your code more flexible and testable.

using System;

namespace ActionDelegateExample
    class Program
        static void Main()
            // Using Action delegate to log message to console.
            LogMessage("This will log to the console.", LogToConsole);

            // Using Action delegate to log message to a file.
            LogMessage("This will log to a file.", LogToFile);

            // You can even chain multiple actions together:
            Action<string> combinedLogging = LogToConsole + LogToFile;
            LogMessage("This will log to both the console and a file.", combinedLogging);

        // The method that accepts the message and an Action delegate to perform the logging.
        static void LogMessage(string message, Action<string> logAction)
            // Do any common logic here, if needed.

        // Concrete logging method for console
        static void LogToConsole(string message)
            Console.WriteLine($"Console: {message}");

        // Concrete logging method for file (simplified for demonstration purposes)
        static void LogToFile(string message)
            // In a real application, you'd append this to a file. For demo purposes, we'll just use Console.
            Console.WriteLine($"File: {message}");

The output of the program would be:

Console: This will log to the console.
File: This will log to a file.
Console: This will log to both the console and a file.
File: This will log to both the console and a file.

In this example, the LogMessage method takes in a message to be logged and an Action delegate that defines how it should be logged. This approach provides great flexibility. By passing different logging methods to LogMessage, you can easily change where the message is logged without having to modify the LogMessage method itself.


Here's an illustration of how the program works using the Action delegate:

  • Step 1: LogMessage("This will log to the console.", LogToConsole);
    • Calls LogMessage method with a message string and the LogToConsole delegate.
    • Inside LogMessage, logAction(message); invokes LogToConsole.
    • Output: Console: This will log to the console.
  • Step 2: LogMessage("This will log to a file.", LogToFile);
    • Calls LogMessage method with a message string and the LogToFile delegate.
    • Inside LogMessage, logAction(message); invokes LogToFile.
    • Output: File: This will log to a file.
  • Step 3: Chaining Actions
    • Action<string> combinedLogging = LogToConsole + LogToFile;
    • Creates a new Action delegate that combines LogToConsole and LogToFile.
  • Step 4: LogMessage("This will log to both the console and a file.", combinedLogging);
    • Calls LogMessage method with a message string and the combined Action delegate.
    • Inside LogMessage, logAction(message); invokes both LogToConsole and LogToFile.
    • Output:
      Console: This will log to both the console and a file.
      File: This will log to both the console and a file.

So, the Action delegate is used to dynamically choose which logging method should be invoked. This is actually a form of the Strategy pattern, which allows us to switch strategies (in this case, logging methods) at runtime.

Points to Remember:
  1. Predefined Delegate: Action is a predefined delegate type in the .NET framework.
  2. Void Return Type: Action represents a method with a void return type. Methods represented by an Action delegate cannot return a value.
  3. Generics: Action is a generic delegate and can represent methods that accept arguments. There are specific versions available for methods with 0 to 16 parameters.
  4. Lambda Expressions: Action delegates are frequently used with lambda expressions for concise inline method definitions, particularly in LINQ or event handlers.
  5. Cannot Return a Value: For a delegate type that can return a value, you'd use Func delegates. The difference is that Func returns a value, while Action does not.
  6. Combining Delegates: Multiple Action delegates can be combined using the + operator, or one can be removed using the - operator. This is useful for invoking multiple methods in a multicast fashion.
  7. Use Cases: Common uses include event handling, threading (e.g., with Task.Run), callbacks, and scenarios where you need to pass a method that doesn't return a value.
  8. Thread Safety: In a multithreaded environment, ensure thread safety when modifying or invoking Action delegates.
  9. Anonymous Methods: Before lambda expressions' introduction in C# 3.0, Action delegates were often paired with anonymous methods.
  10. Avoid Excessive Parameters: Despite Action being able to handle up to 16 parameters, it's good practice to avoid methods with many parameters as it can reduce code readability and maintainability.