Can we overload 'Main' method in C#?

Yes, in C#, you can overload the 'Main' method. Overloading allows you to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameter lists. Each overloaded 'Main' method can have a different set of parameters, allowing you to provide different entry points for your program.

Here is an example of overloading the 'Main' method:

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Method body without parameters

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Method body with string[] parameter

    static void Main(int value)
        // Method body with int parameter

In the example above, there are three overloaded versions of the 'Main' method. One version has no parameters, another version has a 'string[]' parameter for command-line arguments, and the third version has an 'int' parameter.

When running the program, the appropriate 'Main' method is called based on the arguments provided. If no arguments are provided, the 'Main()' method without parameters is executed. If command-line arguments are passed, the 'Main(string[] args') method is called. Similarly, if an int value is provided, the 'Main(int value)' method is invoked.

By overloading the 'Main' method, you can have different entry points for your application based on the specific requirements or scenarios you want to handle.